stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

So I got pulled over with expired insurance and lost my license. 5000+ in fines and no way to work so Im going to lose my job and with my debt ill also lose my home. This is just the latest of a long series of fucked up things, all very bad. Its almist unbelievable how many crazy and ecpensive things can happen in a week and a half... I may be living outside soon and thats no exaggeration :(. All because a cop was being a hufe asshole and intentionally inspected my whole car looking for more fines to give me until he haf enough to take me off the road permanently...

Damn :( The same thing happened to my brother 2 years ago. Maybe you could come up with an agreement with them if they can understand that to pay them you have to be able to go to work...
Damn :( The same thing happened to my brother 2 years ago. Maybe you could come up with an agreement with them if they can understand that to pay them you have to be able to go to work...

In this country, it's possible to get an occupational you can drive to work only. Maybe you guys have something similar? As far as the fines go, you may be able to set up a payment plan. As long as there's money coming in it shouldn't be a big deal. Check your options before you give up on life.
So I got pulled over with expired insurance and lost my license. 5000+ in fines and no way to work so Im going to lose my job and with my debt ill also lose my home. This is just the latest of a long series of fucked up things, all very bad. Its almist unbelievable how many crazy and ecpensive things can happen in a week and a half... I may be living outside soon and thats no exaggeration :(. All because a cop was being a hufe asshole and intentionally inspected my whole car looking for more fines to give me until he haf enough to take me off the road permanently...

Jewsus H crajst!!! I'm sorry dude :erk: Hope things will work out.
Thanks for the kind words guys :). Im trying to figure out a transportation deal, thats the biggest hurdle because I work about 50-60km from where I live. If I can get that figured out I can get by if I eat nothing but kraft dinner and Mr.Noodles for the next 6 months :lol:.

If these events were spread out it wouldnt be this bad. Im pretty much clinging to a thread but I shall overcome this crap somehow. Lucky for me I have a couple awesome friends that drove me around the city so I could deal with all the legal crap. I spent about 8 hours in and out of government buildings. Good times. Ill persevere Im just really fucking stressed and sleepless.
That certainly plays into it. :lol:
I don't understand that :)
nanain <3
DarkGift <3
So I got pulled over with expired insurance and lost my license. 5000+ in fines and no way to work so I'm going to lose my job and with my debt ill also lose my home. This is just the latest of a long series of fucked up things, all very bad. Its almost unbelievable how many crazy and expensive things can happen in a week and a half... I may be living outside soon and that's no exaggeration :(. All because a cop was being a huge asshole and intentionally inspected my whole car looking for more fines to give me until he had enough to take me off the road permanently...
You can't go to talk with them and ask for a license just for work? :(
Mr.Noodles for the next 6 months :lol:.
I do that! :oops:
Damn :( The same thing happened to my brother 2 years ago. Maybe you could come up with an agreement with them if they can understand that to pay them you have to be able to go to work...
yes yes yes I hope everything be better for you this week and jew no lost the job! thinkpositivethinkpositivethinkpositive!
Thanks for the kind words guys :). Im trying to figure out a transportation deal, thats the biggest hurdle because I work about 50-60km from where I live. If I can get that figured out I can get by if I eat nothing but kraft dinner and Mr.Noodles for the next 6 months :lol:.

If these events were spread out it wouldnt be this bad. Im pretty much clinging to a thread but I shall overcome this crap somehow. Lucky for me I have a couple awesome friends that drove me around the city so I could deal with all the legal crap. I spent about 8 hours in and out of government buildings. Good times. Ill persevere Im just really fucking stressed and sleepless.

you'll manage, just hang in there :) if someone's messing with ya, just tell the forum and we'll deal with them appropriately... posting a smiley and saying something derogatory about them.

Way to kick a Canadian when they're down!

Not sure if you guys realize this, apparently Metallica and James Hetfield 1987 have taken up side jobs as meteorologists of the highest order. The video can be seen here:
