stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

24-year-old Chinese pop star Zhang Muyi professes love for 12-year-old Canadian Akama Miki

Canadian singer-model Akama Miki may be only 12 years old, but Chinese pop star Zhang Muyi, who is twice her age at 24, claims they are in love and that it is not a publicity stunt.
"Many people have doubted us and our love story. There's nothing we can do about this, nor do we feel the need to prove anything to these people," Muyi wrote on Weibo, a Chinese Twitter-style site. "All we can do is continue to persevere with our love, our life, and being together."

According to MSN, the duo has recently been exchanging love letters and posting photos of themselves together. Miki is a rising star with reportedly 500,000 Weibo followers, but she follows only one person -- and guess who that is?
"Wait until I'm old enough to marry you, and then I'm going to say 'I do,'" Miki recently wrote to Muyi on Weibo.
Muyi responded with the message, "I simply can't wait for these next four birthdays of yours to pass, I'm counting down each one."

Last night some girl walked right into me on the sidewalk while I was reading a sign and yelled at me calling me a perv. Keep in mind I was standing still looking at a window. As she is walking away I overhear her telling her friends "that guy was trying to rub up against me".

I mean you could at least say excuse me.

Women like that are the type that can ruin someone just because she is a self-important bitch that wants a reason to run her mouth.

Still it was more action than I have been getting lately :lol:!
yelled at me calling me a perv. Keep in mind I was standing still looking at a window. As she is walking away I overhear her telling her friends "that guy was trying to rub up against me".

Thats why i sometimes wish we were living in the past. This bitch needs some serious high five to the face with a mace.
Last night some girl walked right into me on the sidewalk while I was reading a sign and yelled at me calling me a perv. Keep in mind I was standing still looking at a window. As she is walking away I overhear her telling her friends "that guy was trying to rub up against me".

I mean you could at least say excuse me.

Women like that are the type that can ruin someone just because she is a self-important bitch that wants a reason to run her mouth.

Still it was more action than I have been getting lately :lol:!

She fucking wish! :lol:
I only saw the first one. The idea that the same family gets kidnapped more often than Princess Peach kind of ruins the idea for me. It was an awesome movie that should stand on its own.