stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

What teh fuck is going on in Norway???? This is disturbing, that man needs to be on a pedophile radar on principle....

Someone tell me there is more to this story. :erk:

Good news: There is more to the story; it's an awareness campaign.
Bad news: There has to be an awareness campaign because in certain areas of the world this is quite common. :(

From the article:
If it seems ludicrous that a 12-year-old girl in Norway would marry an adult male, it is because the entire blog is a viral marketing campaign designed to highlight the issue of child marriage.
A marriage with a 12-year-old could not happen in countries such as Norway or Canada, but an estimated 39,000 child brides are married every day around the world, according to Plan International, the children's development charity behind the viral campaign.

In countries such as Niger or Bangladesh more than 60 per cent of girls are married before turning 18. If current trends continue, 142 million girls will be married over the next decade, according to UN statistics.
Oh damn. I linked the wrong article about this, and it happens to have the answer in it. Well that was dumb.

I read a much shorter article about this at work and it did not have that information, just that this was happening. In my haste I guess I posted a more clear article without double checking. Thank fuck, I was about to question my love of Norway.

It disgusts me that this is actually very common in some societies. A grown man "marrying" (I use that term loosely here) a prepubescent girl is the epitome of disgusting, evil and completely amoral values. When I read about this shit happening in the Middle-East as a regular thing I get pissed, but for a second there I thought some kind of sick religious bullshit was being accepted in an actual decent society.

So I'm going to think about less disgusting things now before I dwell on how fucked up some parts of this world are thanks to religious "rights" and corruption, or I'll start getting pissed off again.

Oh damn. I linked the wrong article about this, and it happens to have the answer in it. Well that was dumb.

I read a much shorter article about this at work and it did not have that information, just that this was happening. In my haste I guess I posted a more clear article without double checking. Thank fuck, I was about to question my love of Norway.

It disgusts me that this is actually very common in some societies. A grown man "marrying" (I use that term loosely here) a prepubescent girl is the epitome of disgusting, evil and completely amoral values. When I read about this shit happening in the Middle-East as a regular thing I get pissed, but for a second there I thought some kind of sick religious bullshit was being accepted in an actual decent society.

So I'm going to think about less disgusting things now before I dwell on how fucked up some parts of this world are thanks to religious "rights" and corruption, or I'll start getting pissed off again.


if you think this is the epitome of disgusting and evil you should read what they do with women's genitals in the north and east of Africa.
Well I don't mean to say it is the worst crime but it is part of that group, and I associate most of those behaviours with each other. It's a fear and hatred of women, and more often than not it is justified by either old tradition or religion. Either that or their society has imploded on itself and insanity has become the norm.

If I believed in an afterlife I would guess this world is already a pretty good representation of hell. The weird part to think about is that things are not nearly as horrible as they were 1000 years ago in terms of cruelty. We just found better ways to kill each other rather than saw people in half upside down in a public square... regularly.
Oh damn. I linked the wrong article about this, and it happens to have the answer in it. Well that was dumb.

I read a much shorter article about this at work and it did not have that information, just that this was happening. In my haste I guess I posted a more clear article without double checking. Thank fuck, I was about to question my love of Norway.

It disgusts me that this is actually very common in some societies. A grown man "marrying" (I use that term loosely here) a prepubescent girl is the epitome of disgusting, evil and completely amoral values. When I read about this shit happening in the Middle-East as a regular thing I get pissed, but for a second there I thought some kind of sick religious bullshit was being accepted in an actual decent society.

So I'm going to think about less disgusting things now before I dwell on how fucked up some parts of this world are thanks to religious "rights" and corruption, or I'll start getting pissed off again.


poor research is the real crime here :lol:

next he'll be linking us anti vaccination blogs and fukishima conspiracies

(jk....or am i?)
Oh come on this is a very rare occurrence. I'm usually really in-depth about almost everything, I very rarely post on impulse without researching all the different sides. I'm probably the only person here that has actually read the entire bible back in highschool, just because I wanted to have all the information before I could honestly say it was full of shit. It is by the way:)

Fuck I just admitted I've read a holy scripture. My metal rating just keeps taking hits!
I red both Bible and Quran, and on the back of Quran i took from the library, somebody wrote the best sentence ever: the purpose of life is to eat, shit, fuck and steal shoes from mosques :lol:
I have also red both the bible and the quran since I studied religion at the university and I must say that the quran was a bitch to get through since it makes no sense what so least the bible is in a chronological order (sort of), the quran is jsut all over the place with no structure what so ever just one random thing after another!
Well I've been an atheist since I was very young but I still try to be as open as possible to new things. At the time I felt like the most respectful thing for me to do was to look at it seriously and see what I took from it. I had (and have) quite a few christian friends and they took my views more seriously and respected them because they knew I wasn't just shooting my mouth off. Plus what better way to debate than to know the source material.

I've forgotten most of it now but I have no regrets about it.
I'm the only one here who hasn't felt the need to read the bible then? You don't have to read that stuff to realise religion is bullshit :)

i havent either, i do keep a pocket bible around so that from time to time i can quote random passages from it for laughs. (just pick a page at random, say "i think you should reflect on this", read the first sentence you see)
Every once in a while you stumble across a band or artist that is so truly horribly awful that you want to put a drill into your ears. Today I heard Blood on the Dancefloor for the first time and I am in total and utter shock that these morons are actually being paid for this trash. There are NO redeeming qualities at all.

I know I'm a metalhead so I tend to judge some music pretty harshly, but I can see the merits in almost any kind of music even if I don't like it myself. I don't like Eminem at all but I also know I could never perform an Eminem song if I tried, I don't have that talent. Blood on the Dancefloor on the other hand has fucking zero talent, it's two dudes with absolutely no singing talent at all "singing" over puked up techno beats while wearing loads of makeup. You can grab any person of the street and their casual nervous singing voice would be comparable to these two dipshits. They don't even try to hide it with much trickery, it's just really bad. And the lyrics... Holy fuck I wrote better at age 12, oh my fucking god someone stop these retards!!


I hate this band more than anything I've heard in years, I hate them enough that I had to rant about it somewhere. I can't believe this shit is successful.