stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

Ppl pls, islam is a very young religion, its normal they are more radical, since all big religions were like that in some part of their history.
Not like christianity was much better tbh.
Give it a 500 years and muslims themselves will be making Mohammed memes or smth like that. But till then :erk: Serbian medias said its not a flag of Isil, but australian wing of Al Kaida.
Radical islamism can't be dealt with by sheer power, they are fanatics and they have a list of very rich sponsors. What do I have no fucking idea.

Since they ignore any laws, rules of engagement or human rights and they view their caliph as a decendant of and successor to Muhammad I think talking is out of the questions so force is the only option...if they had just had some death metal to balance things in their lives then none of this would be happening! :D
So, what are you suggesting, another miliatry action in the middle east? Idk if you are being serious though.
adly, Australia has been participating in actions like that for a while now, and when they did smth similiar in Syria , Australia sent them weapons and called them"fighters for democracy"... Idk why, when they clearly have problems in their own yard.
So you are telling me that we should pat their backs when they keep beheading "our" people? Fight fire with fire, the western and eastern world is more advanced that sandniggers. Just nuke them already, they cant nuke back. And then send military or else those faggots will keep hiding in the mountains and sand like fuckin Digletts
To be fair the whole mid east is being treated like human waste by western community. Like, invade that, invade this: fuck the people, have some democracy bitches! And 3-4 years later you have Iraq, Egypt, Syria in utter chaos. Isis and other retards are a direct consequence of such policy. Note how they also abuse local population and no one gives a fuck. Every now and then I would read "200 people killed in Nigeria, 100 people dead in Iraq" - no big deal, 3 guys killed in Boston - everyone's losing their shit. We need to drop that attitude, the whole "3rd world countries" philosophy is mere hypocrisy.
I wont care the same way if there's 999 people killed in NY and 1 in Nigeria. But Middle East and Africa doomed themselves because of religion or just being fucking stupid. Yea, lets just feed black people, who cant even dig a fucking well by themselves, let them breed like rabits, it wont change anything. Nature knows what its doing.
And if some middleeast idiots are threatening the whole world just eradicate them brutally. We cant afford to be good guys now, it didnt work.
I never was fan of polish army serving in Iraq because it wasnt our war, it was America's war. But since muslims are being threat to entire civilisation now I wouldnt complain about it. Our army might not be enough to compete with Russia or Germany but definitely enough to kill some savages.
They are not muslims lol, they are to islam as heaven's gate is to christianity. All in all, fuck every religion. And if you think arabs, africans etc. are inferior to us, you're just wrong. Otherwise, please tell me how did you earn the right to be born in Europe, not in Mali? Thing is - you didn't. What you say is the basis of genocide.
They are not muslims lol, they are to islam as heaven's gate is to christianity. All in all, fuck every religion. And if you think arabs, africans etc. are inferior to us, you're just wrong. Otherwise, please tell me how did you earn the right to be born in Europe, not in Mali? Thing is - you didn't. What you say is the basis of genocide.

Aexalven is a troll since the first time he posted on this forum. Don't take him seriously :)
My frined, all is well, my friend :)
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Ppl pls, islam is a very young religion, its normal they are more radical, since all big religions were like that in some part of their history.
Not like christianity was much better tbh.
Give it a 500 years and muslims themselves will be making Mohammed memes or smth like that. But till then :erk: Serbian medias said its not a flag of Isil, but australian wing of Al Kaida.

So, what are you suggesting, another miliatry action in the middle east? Idk if you are being serious though.
adly, Australia has been participating in actions like that for a while now, and when they did smth similiar in Syria , Australia sent them weapons and called them"fighters for democracy"... Idk why, when they clearly have problems in their own yard.

Swedish media says it is an Isis flag. Religious extremism if it becomes a cause for terrorism is a threat to people and to society and must be handled as such. And yes I know it is a much younger religion and that christianity is worse and just about the worst fucking thing ever invented but that doesn't mean we should tolerate any of it. Pointing the finger at something worse never justifies anything.

And yes military action ld by the UN, NOT the US. The US clearly had their own interests and goals in the middle east and never truly cared about what would happen when they pulled out. The middle east needs education because I bet that if the middle east were given an equal education to what we receive then in a few generations they would be just as secularised as the majority of westeners are and Islamist extremists would be reduced to small sects just like we see in christianity today. Bottom line is that religion should stay far fucking away from rule or any form of governing and that can only be achieved by education.
They are not muslims lol, they are to islam as heaven's gate is to christianity. All in all, fuck every religion. And if you think arabs, africans etc. are inferior to us, you're just wrong. Otherwise, please tell me how did you earn the right to be born in Europe, not in Mali? Thing is - you didn't. What you say is the basis of genocide.

It's not right. It's luck, compeltely random. Are they inferior? Maybe not arabs, but africans begging for white help? Yes. I know how to dig a well, they apparently dont. Not everyone is equal, im inferior to a lot of people, im slower than blacks and dumber than asians (stereotypicaly).

Ugh, this guy and his fans are pissing me off. If someone has tag "team biceps" you can be absolutele sure he plays like trash and will insult your mom through the microphone.

I actually think Aexavlen is being serious, lel

Yes I am. And since white people left they are unable to do shit, they were weaker so they were colonised. Poland was weak (because of the laziest fucks in the history of europe i guess) so neighbours destroyed it in XVIII century, and then raped it again in 1939. And then communism happened. Am I blaming Russia for ruining this country? No. Im blaming recent politicians and people that they cant get their shit together.
Bottom line is that religion should stay far fucking away from rule or any form of governing and that can only be achieved by education.

Good luck educating those idiots. Education is satan. Religion should stay away from governing and what is more it NEEDS to be stop supported by tax money. If religious people want to keep their religion alive, they are free to do so, but let them use their fucking money. Im sick of seeing churches (or worse, muslim churches, fuck me, i cant remember how they are called in english) being built for my and other unbeliever's money.
We disagree at things, let's leave it at that :) I foresee this discussion not being productive if continued.
. The middle east needs education because I bet that if the middle east were given an equal education to what we receive then in a few generations they would be just as secularised as the majority of westeners are and Islamist extremists would be reduced to small sects just like we see in christianity today. Bottom line is that religion should stay far fucking away from rule or any form of governing and that can only be achieved by education.

No, they wouldnt. Are all middle east immigrants who moved to western countries secularised? No, sometimes they get even more extreme and glorify the countries they arent even born in. But that has more something to do with the fact that immigrants sometimes tend to get confused over their roots and heritage, especially if the difference between their current and homeland is drastic.

And you'd be surprised what education some islamic countries have. Saudi Arabia for example.
Btw in 80s Syria had some of the best unis outside the USA and Japan.
And its not just about education.
Trying to ngaf about religion takes time and a certain pace of moral and economical development. Its called hierarchy of needs in psychology. You wont think about your self actualization (lack of prejudice, acceptance of facts,creativity) if your basic, fundamental needs such as physiological needs (food, water, sleep) and safety needs (security of body, job,financies, moral values) arent fullfilled. Its easy to think about stuff like that when you live in a first world country, but when you're on a middle east/africa or wherever society isnt so developed, and there are dangers (hunger,money issues, war and so on), you wont think about your inner development, your focus will be on how to eat and how to protect yourself. Its the main reason why some countires are developed while others arent. In some countries people cant afford to think about it and thats why people in poorer countries tend to be more old fashioned and have stronger prejudices.
Thats why its crazy to think that any sort of military "action" anywhere on the planet brings some development, when history teaches us over and over again, that it doesnt work that way.