stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

Im saving tons of money thanks to post nut clarity.

All week I might be "I need to buy this shit", few gorilla grip faps later it's "Meh, who cares".

Just imagine the worthless shit I will buy with all the saved money when I eventually wont be in the mood to workout my arm.
tell stefan to get his ass to canada next lol

How much longer can Chris Barnes keep using his stint in Cannibal Corpse in the early 90's to stay relevant in metal?? I laughed out loud multiple times when I watched this before I had to turn it off out of embarassment. Those.... screechy higher vocals he keeps using. He can't possibly think that sounds good. And this is at the beginning of the set.

The whole band must be embarrassed to play shows with this guy. I'm thinking maybe Chris Barnes is a guy that has no backup talents and he needs to milk this metal thing as long as possible. At this point it sounds like a dad that doesn't actually like metal doing a parody impression.

Seriously.... Those cartoon screams. :lol:

man i always imagined the people who play in those kinds of bands just think hes the absolute best shit ever. and i think that because they have probably peaked in that band. really talented musicians who can play death metal but arent really able to come up with anything innovative lol
I'm not proud of anything I did not earn. I did not earn anything by being white, straight or Canadian. I got lucky, and I'm still a fuck up. I had a few decent ancestors along the way, but I have no claim to any of their achievements. Maybe one day I will fight hard for something that actually takes courage so I can have a valid reason to be proud, aside from the circumstances I was born into.

For now I'm just some guy. Personal pride is over-rated.
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I'm not proud of anything I did not earn. I did not earn anything by being white, straight or Canadian. I got lucky, and I'm still a fuck up. I had a few decent ancestors along the way, but I have no claim to any of their achievements. Maybe one day I will fight hard for something that actually takes courage so I can have a valid reason to be proud, aside from the circumstances I was born into.

For now I'm just some guy. Personal pride is over-rated.

You are ruining pride month man...
Today I'm proud my nails are growing the way they are. Sure, one is ingrown and they are pain in the ass to trim, but it could always be worse.
I'm sure I'm close to top3 or higher. My message count is MASSIVE, especially for such a short time I've been a user
I need internet to shut up about mother and fathers day.
Im sick of getting heart attack when seeing posts "Todays mothers/fathers day" thinking I forgot.
words such as "millennials", "richly diverse" and "african american"

I dont know the original, because Im (mostly) heterosexual, however first word left just a flesh wound, second word punched me in the face and last is just perfect definition of "richly diverse" basicly meaning "We need more negros John!", because it's never other ethnicities (because other ethnicites are actually busy working and living, while scorched skins just live lives of the professional victims.
I'm all for it, didnt see any black marines in Wh40k, what a fantastic world!

And my zerg fetish could be fueled by tyranids, cover me in slime and drool, bug daddy


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