stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

Spiderman sucks, because they were trying to push the whole "i'm so fucking hipster"

That is the problem I have with this new reboot. The hair is all wrong. Andrew maybe a good actor but he is no Spider Man material. Shouldn't Spider Man be a guy who is socially awkward and gets picked on by students? He looks as if he is the best looking guy in the school. There is no under dog story like there was with the Spider Man film by Sam Raimi. They should just give Spider Man over to Marvel Studios and let them work their magic.
I want to watch Lucy!

Awesome movie I went and seen it. You should to.
^Oh god no, please no. There are way too many Part 1/Part 2 movies out there right now. Just look at the Hobbit, a 200-page book, it got stretched to 3 movies while the LotR trilogy had no problem keeping it to 1 movie per 500-page(?) book. The Hunger Games are getting 2 parts for the last book too, not to mention Game of Thrones spent 2 seasons, 20 hours, on 1 book. All that shit has to stop, the movies are getting worse as the companies funding them only want to rake in money. It's terrible :(