stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

You say they are treated like shit. I must ask one question - Why are other minorities not treated like that? They're not white. So what caused this racism? It didn't happen because someone rolled the die and decided that this millenium blacks will be hated.

I didn't say other minorities aren't treated poorly, and by no means did I mean to imply that. (There was a video recently of some white woman telling a Native American to go back to her country, and you can be rest-assured that COVID-19 hasn't done much positive for this country's relation to our asian population. We clearly have some idiots here.) Also, on a related note, I am not implying that white people don't have problems here, or anywhere else.

Inequality, especially in terms of wealth—which I'll be getting to shortly—affects this whole country, and there are people suffering regardless of race.

...but I educated myself on the fearsome "statistics". There is more crime blacks against whites than whites against blacks. More blacks kill blacks than whites kill blacks. More whites are killed by police than whites. And the famous "blacks commit 50% of the crimes while being 13% of the population".

Yup, these statistics are important to note, and I don't think enough of the far-left acknowledges them, but this is not a binary issue.

Remember, the black community didn't choose George Floyd as a martyr. Dude fucked up, he was being arrested—that's not what people are protesting. They're protesting the police brutality in all aspects of policing.

There was a study done across ten police departments in Texas, Florida and California that found a constant disparity in how often police would go hands on against a person if they were black rather than white. (E.g., the study found that in New York City, they found that cops were 18% more likely to push suspects into a wall, 16% more likely to put them in handcuffs in a situation where they weren’t being arrested, 18% more likely to push them to the ground, 25% more likely to use pepper spray or a baton, 19% more likely to draw their guns, and 24% more likely to point a gun at them.)

This kind of shit instills distrust and fear, and even if none of the police officers were racist, an entire racial group is already on-edge because of what they've experienced, which makes for an untenable situation.

These protests are about reform because there are broken systems. (In some states, it takes more hours of training to become a barber in this country than a police officer. Given the near-impossible job the police have, that's fucking insane.)

Then I'm probably gonna hear that it's because of poverty. Well, that's a very nice excuse. Nowadays there are tons of programs and opprotunities to leave poverty. Sure, not everyone will leave it, world sucks, we are not equal, someone just has to get the shortest stick. But it seems blacks just refuse to change anything, theyre content with being victims, cash on that and do occasional riots during which they can commit crimes and not get caught.

Yes, you called it, I do want to highlight poverty: Income inequality in this country is already quite vast, and the racial wealth gap is particularly drastic. From a report on the racial wealth divide:

According to our Racial Wealth Divide report, the median Black family, with just over $3,500, owns just 2 percent of the wealth of the nearly $147,000 the median White family owns. The median Latino family, with just over $6,500, owns just 4 percent of the wealth of the median White family. Put differently, the median White family has 41 times more wealth than the median Black family and 22 times more wealth than the median Latino family.

41 times more wealth. Even if that number is off by 10, by 20, in doesn't matter how many "tons of programs and opportunities to leave poverty," because they'll only be able to grow so much.

While that wealth gap doesn't explain or justify everything, it sure helps put into perspective why the black community is responsible for so much crime.

So concluding - start acting like actual human beings and I might start respecting the race again. Good first step would be to stop being hypocrites, stop destroying shops, buildings and monuments and fix the violence problem within themselves. And stop acting offended and be aggresive when confronted with facts.

There was a football player here, Colin Kaepernick, who famously took a knee during the "The Star-Spangled Banner" throughout the football season to protest the oppression against different races. That's a peaceful as a protest goes, and he was mocked and ridiculed endlessly, and nothing changed.

I'm not trying to paint every action that's happened over the past few weeks in some pretty light, but I can't pretend that I don't see a reason why minorities here are so fed up with the status-quo.

Being bombarded with these news from other countries must be obnoxious—I get that—but a lot of reform has to happen here, and it's not simply a matter of people acting too offended or aggressive.
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I didn't say other minorities aren't treated poorly, and by no means did I mean to imply that. (There was a video recently of some white woman telling a Native American to go back to her country

Which is ridiculous and this kind of white trash should get some good ol' face punching, because they are in their country, whites should get the fuck out and return to Europe (although im fine if you keep them in US).

Remember, the black community didn't choose George Floyd as a martyr. Dude fucked up, he was being arrested—that's not what people are protesting. They're protesting the police brutality in all aspects of policing.

Again this might be the result of vocal minority, but most clips / articles I saw highlighted more his martyrology than the issue of police brutality, classic "he dindunuffin". And I do agree that american police officers are jumpy, trigger happy and just straight up abuse power. Just yesterday I saw an year old video, where some dude was minding his own business, police approached him and started to bother him. He refused to comply, but was as passive as you can get. Dude eventually gets tased, panicks, runs away and gets pinched to the ground for several minutes so hard, that his body goes fucking purple, and when he's as pale as death they let go and realise whoops, we just killed the guy. How is it this video wasnt famous year ago? Because I suppose the dude was white and the way he got murdered is much more gruesome than Floyd. Might post video, but it's fucked up.

So yeah, this country obviously have issues and the amount of training they get is laughable, agree again.

There was a study done across ten police departments in Texas, Florida and California that found a constant disparity in how often police would go hands on against a person if they were black rather than white. (E.g., the study found that in New York City, they found that cops were 18% more likely to push suspects into a wall, 16% more likely to put them in handcuffs in a situation where they weren’t being arrested, 18% more likely to push them to the ground, 25% more likely to use pepper spray or a baton, 19% more likely to draw their guns, and 24% more likely to point a gun at them.)

Here im going to defend the police force. If I knew majority of crimes is comitted by blacks and they are much more violent and much more often are in gangs then I would be extra jumpy around them. Keep in mind they are risking their lives. Again, probably wouldnt happen if the race knew how to behave like civilised people.

Yes, you called it, I do want to highlight poverty: Income inequality in this country is already quite vast, and the racial wealth gap is particularly drastic. From a report on the racial wealth divide:
I'll read the whole report tomorrow, as it's pretty late and Im actually curious, however by glancing over it quickly I don't see who is exactly taken in this statistics. Is Gates, Zuckerberg and Bezos included too? Because if yes then it's straight up shitty study.
It's like this meme I saw some time ago about feminism, cant find it so just wanna quote it: "Women compare themselves to the men on the top, and dont even consider those lower human". It's easy to scream bloody priviliage when you compare yourself to people that with their power / wealth could rule an entire countries. (and I guess they do already).

Programs obviously can only do so much, but when I want to educate myself on something or gain an internship or whatever im at disadvantage because those programs are aimed for minorites and/or women. Once I lost my chance because I got beaten by a woman and dude from India. I had more knowledge, but they got extra points for winning the genetic lottery.
And I wouldn't mind if it happened because of casual discrimnation. Again, I try not to be a hypocrite, we are not equal, im an ugly pathetic white man so I know my place. But this type of discrimation is legal and is even called fucking "positive discrimnation". How about I go on a positive killing spree.

. That's a peaceful as a protest goes, and he was mocked and ridiculed endlessly, and nothing changed.
And from what I remember (unless im mixing up events) he got ridiculed even by members of his own race. It just screams "Yea, fuck that, we just want to break shit up".

I'm not trying to paint every action that's happened over the past few weeks in some pretty light, but I can't pretend that I don't see a reason why minorities here are so fed up with the status-quo.
And Im not blind either, however I just cant ignore that its ALWAYS blacks. As you mentioned everyone has their issues, minorities, whites, homosexuals, you name it, but the greatest shitstorm, festival of hypocrisy and barbarism is displayed by black community and people supporting them for extra internet and social points. I'd love to see such movement done semi-peacefully organised by asians, latinos, native americans, but I guess it won't happen. And I said semi-peacefully because I realize you wont change anything by being nice, but no need to destroy peoples livelihoods and endanger innocent lives.

Being bombarded with these news from other countries must be obnoxious—I get that—but a lot of reform has to happen here, and it's not simply a matter of people acting too offended or aggressive.
Hah, I wish it was other countries. But it's sadly always US, China got their few weeks surprisingly, I guess Trump didnt say anything stupid during this period. Even on reddits called "r/worldpolitics" the world is just like in alien movies. World is america.

As final words, I know im a disgusting, hateful human being but im not sugar coating it, im not pretending im not and I know shit I say is offensive. But i'd rather not lie and go "im not racist, but (...)" and just get straight to the point, because believe it or not I respect other people in my own way and I dont need to lie to them, they should know who they're talking to. Im not happy im hateful and I'd be thrilled if I lost reasons to be. Doesnt look like its going to happen this decade though.
Actually let me write a little more about why I dont entirely believe that poverty is the main issue.
A little background - I was a law student and I wrote my thesis in crimonology and one of the main points of my thesis was something called "crime gene". Forgive me for not using proper legal english terminology, I havent used it in years and I forgot most of it as I abandoned my future in law when realised I wont achieve anything here unless im corupt. And the system is broken beyond repair. Anyway...

There were studies proving that this "crime gene" exists. Not going to post wall of text so in short - it exists, and the most basic and easiest proof is observing adopted children that had no contact whatsoever with their biological parents. Those born by lowlife families where much likely to become criminals or just waste of air for society than those born in "normal" families. Obviously they were raised in similiar way.

So while crime is also related to poverty you cant fix the nature, some people are just trash and some genetic lines must simply vanish if society is to improve. And it obviously doesnt happen in black people only.
I can observe this shit in Poland on a huge scale. Current government is showering white trash with welfares left and right and it perfectly shows what kind of people some folks are.
What is the point in educating yourself and going to work when you are getting a lot of cash in welfare (especially if you have multiple children). You can obviouslyt earn more money when working but when lowlife choses between:
1) Work and earn 1500$
2) Dont work and earn 1100$
The answer is obvious. And the fact that those people are breeding like crazy are making me depressed, because when Im old this "crime gene" im talking about will be taking over society and I dont want to live in such world.

I believe the same thing happened in the US already. Why by a functioning member of society, when you can play victim, get welfare and commit crimes. It easier than education and work.
And as someone who struggled a lot to get where I am currently, which is above avarage in terms of money in my country it makes me mad as fuck when those scum see me as someone who stole shit, or has some kind of nonexistent privilage.
We may be talking past each other now.

My point continues to be that I don't think any of what you've posited stands a legitimate reason to view an entire race as lesser than any other. You said earlier that you "...have no doubt there are countless blacks that are better than me." Well, when talking about a population upwards or above a billion, at what point is "countless" such a high number that the "lesser" label stops being legitimate?

(Aside: I won't even touch the "crime gene" topic as geneticists don't believe that can be used to screen criminals and we're "...a long way from understanding [...] let alone agreeing that a particular gene could condemn you to a life of crime.")

I'm far from the most articulate or educated person around, and I fully acknowledge that these areas not in my meager expertise*. (Given that it seems like even experts have trouble agreeing on the data—that study I mentioned about police brutality? Yeah, other researchers and mathematicians find its conclusions paradoxical—it'll probably always be that way.)

Regardless of my ignorance, however, I still strongly believe that these calls for new systems are worthwhile, and that belief remains true even if there's a population that will only ever cry victimhood and suck at the teat of everyone else's hard work. Why? Well, as the saying goes, "a rising tide lifts all boats," and I think it's well past time that black people should have to think about their skin color while, for example, trying to buy a home.

So, let's reform the systems and our thinking around race, and see what happens. If the statistics don't change, it'll be a fucking bummer...but it will still mean so many people, across all walks of life, will be living better lives than they were before.

* Time for some self-deprecating humor: Almost everyone on this forum is at very least bilingual, and there are days where I hardly feel lingual. Damn US education system...
You have one misconception though. I know EXACTLY what type of person I am. But let's start from beginning:
it invades your life because its the media you consume,

Im sorry for wanting to read some international shit while im, well, having a shit. But recently it's impossible. If it's not Trump, if it's not how US deals with corona, it's BLM. I could probably look for other sources, drop reddit and the like completely and be a happy man. But I'm lazy, I always did something and I wont change it because one nation keeps feeling their issues are THE issues.
Im gradually getting closer to being able to consume japanese written media so then I'll have an alternative. I probably need to bear with current situation for another year, maybe a year and a half.

you are so sure that your way of thinking, so sure your worldview is correct and absolute that you cannot see things from any other perspective
Incorrect. My worldview is my worldview. Im not a protagonist in my story, im an NPC. I can see things from another perspective and I realised I have a fair dose of empathy. But I need to want to feel empathy and I just can't for movements like BLM.

This is peak mental illness man
I think I might have mental issues (see my empathy not being "natural"), but I dont think it's the mental ilness you think it is. I do have some other issues too obviously.

see women with men who werent like me and say theyre all stupid bitches
I see women and I'm "Well, I sure have no chance with her" Or I see ugly women and "Well, she's in my league but I have standards". I know lost genetic lottery and my standards are too high so i probably wont end up in relationship. Besides I think if I did i would become too clingy or too distant and ruin it. Im okay with that though, made my peace with it.

but what took a lot to really see was that I was a loser.
I knew for the last 10 years that from society standpoint Im a loser.

But I have some goals in life and im working hard to achieve them, just like my parents did. My father was from poor family and he worked his ass off to provide. He basically has noone else now besides the closest family, but he made success financially against all odds, while he definitely wasnt privilaged.
And this is exactly the thing im trying to do. I know my limitations (and I discovered new ones, thus had to modify my life plan and completely changed my career) and i constantly work around them.
And so far so good. When it comes to my country my earning are above avarage and there is still a room for improvment.

So I achieved my first goal of not being a fucking poor loser.
And I will say it again, Im not an expert, but I have proper background and education to know a thing or two about poverty and how it's linked to crime. Doesnt mean I accept people who commit crimes because of poverty. I know not everyone can succeed even if they do they best, but you definitely can not be a loser and a scum to society.
I know I project "white negros" from my country to real negros in states, because theyre basically the same people and I have no respect for them whatsoever. Most of them will do everything to not work, to not be normal citizens, just parasites praying on working class while calling those who succeeded thieves and privilaged scum.
Fuck that, not on my watch. My parents thought me to respect all people and not cause problems.
This obviously failed during my teen years, because I could say I was a good kid, but I suffered because of it and I suffer physical consequences for not defending myself properly because I was afraid to hurt people. Fuck that. You attack me I wont stop defedning myself until you cant move. You attack my hard work and call me privilaged while doing nothing to better your situation I will call you a fucking scum in every language I know.

I will probably die alone and dont reach my ultimate goal, because I know I would need a lot of luck with my hard work to achieve it. But my second ultimate goal is to go through life and dont let myself be pushover. Not anymore. I'll be a bad guy if I need to.
Which is funny, because I changed careers because I realised to succeed in it I'd have to be a bad guy. Im still happy i didnt go this way, but I guess you cant avoid the toxicity forever. I embrace it and I am addicted to negative emotions and dont do much to change it, because they help me. When it starts to hinder me I'll better myself or look for help. But so far there is no need for that.

That came out pretty edgy but im adult know, I guess i dont care what people think about me, ill keep going from listetning to death metal to listening to cute anime songs. Right after I watch some people die horribly ill watch some cute foxes, bunnies and puppies. Not having integirty and real empathy is truly a freeing experiance.
Okay, my counciousness told me I might have lied a little. I do regret not asking one girl when I had a chance. She had good personality, not too pretty and would probably make me a better person and I might be still salty I didnt do anything and as all my failings ill think about them for the rest of my life. Still, probably better for her that I never did ask her out so im happy for her.
Bay Area thrash metal legends Testament announce line-up changes, new name in light of BLM movement
If were talking BLM again, I hear negros are getting slaugtered left and right because police stepped down. It's almost poetic, no more protection for gang members, just straight out executions.
Retarded polacks elected Trump 2.0 today. Second term. Can't say this shithole doesnt deserve him though.
Just as US deserves Trump.

Can't wait to see the fall of far right this decade. Hopefully I will be witnessing that outside of both europe and americas.