Steven Slate Drums 4.0

you can't actually. the late versions of ssd3 came out with no waves at all, so you couldn't use them with trigger or drumagog. that's why trigger has a plat and ex version, bacause it was shipped out with either ssd3 ex samples or ssd3 plat. I bet there will be a new version of trigger or a ssd4 sound pack charged seperatly
Ah, k, thanks.

So I'll wait, I don't wanna pay twice, there should be an option for users who need the player(to knock this Kontakt bitch out) and use Trigger, it goes hand in hand.
(Owning Trigger Platinum, SSD EX+Expansions, aswell as all the other Slate stuff^^)
Here is what I got out of my first tryout of SSD4 EX. Used the integrated grooves.
Pretty awesome drum tone for not being processed in any way, if you ask me!

Sounds very nice! I'm glad you posted this, because this gives a good idea of how the hihat can sound in a non-brutal setting, which is a dealmaker or breaker to me. Also nice to hear that his is EX, because I'm very torn up between EX and Plat. The child in me wants to get Plat for the maximum amount of toys, but my common sense tells me I'm never gonna use 3/4th of those kits. I doesn't help that there are no kit examples of both sets on the official page yet.

So question: If you would do nothing but metal, some (post)rock and a little bit of ambient, would you be satisfied with the selection of kits in EX?
Great, thanks for shedding a light on that. I think you gave me the final notch in the direction of EX :) I will also be using with an e-drum kit so that shouldn't be a problem either.

And the new sample is very cool too, nice vibe! That is actually the kind of sound I have in mind for a project I'm currently starting with a friend, so again, very helpful!
Grabbed this earlier today, definitely some great sounds to be had! Combining it with Toontrack's stuff sounds pretty awesome:

Drums only:

Full mix:
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I bought Platinum 4.0 a week ago. I downloaded all the files, but the licence code doesn't work. Nobody's home at the support page.

Yeah something is going coo coo on the their end.. i cant log back in to finish downloading all the ssd4 platinum files because the code emailed to me for my account doesn't work. and i dont even think i got a licens email from them....shewwww wweeeee.
picked this up a few days ago as an upgrade.

Initial thoughts are:

1- Sounds are great. GUI is kind of ugly but the functionality is good.

2- Having memory/ram issues though (16 gig of ram).

3- Had few crashes in nuendo (probably due to memory) since installing.

Anyone else having these issues?

I really like it except for the random crashes.
I got a email saying that all the problems where fixed and i can log into my account now...

i tried logging in to my account with the password given to me and it still failed. its been like 5 days now. i just want to get this software installed damnit !
Mosterbash go to the ORIGINAL receipt you got from Yellow Matter cart, and use the password from that and go to the link specified.. that'll get you a new password, and that'll work.
