Steven Wilson

Mike is way more talented that Steven Wilson.

He's a way more talented guitarist and musician, I think, but SW is the superior songwriter IMO.

Collapse Light Into Earth is a very good song. That is practically the only song I've heard from them.
That's a nice song but far from their best.

SW is awesome. He has an amazing ability to combine a catchy and accessible feel with extremely deep, intricate and touching music.
steven wilson's a genius. i have no doubt, and accept no objection.

even if i disregard the rest of his discography or all the things he produced/collaborated in/featured in, "in absentia" alone sets the level WAY TOO HIGH. the musicianship, the intellect behind the lyrics, the solos, the production, the sound effects, the keys...everything about that record is perfection.

and thats enough for me to label him a "genius."

if he's copying his work from someone else, or secretly plagirizing from a very old record i dont have in my collection, please tell me now. then i'll call that musician the genius.

but until then, hands down, everyone has to give that credit to this fantastic soul.
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I think wilson is a more diverse musician than mike (which is clear when you consider all the ambient electronic passages he writes), but mike is better guitarist.
Wilson writes better lyrics.
It'll do no good debating which is better. The arguing will turn into what most of the threads are on this forum, shit. so i shall end this thread and debate.

Mikael Akerfeldt= Musical Genius

Steven Wilson= Musical Genius.
It'll do no good debating which is better. The arguing will turn into what most of the threads are on this forum, shit. so i shall end this thread and debate.

Mikael Akerfeldt= Musical Genius

Steven Wilson= Musical Genius.

definitely. but i must say wilson is a more versatile musician while akerfeldt is a guitar hero.
wilson's playing is exceptional, too, but akerfeldt still has more ideas on that instrument.