Steven Wilson

How did I know as soon as i saw this post that you made it in_absentia. You're the one who got me into Porcupine Tree and i couldn't agree more, his music has touched me in a way I only thought Samantha could, He has weird music (some I like some not) and some really touchy feely music (most of which I like) and I can easily say that SW is THE MAN
Being a huge fan of Still Life, I didn't actually like that much the way Opeth took on the Wilson-produced albums. But I don't know how much Wilson is actually to blame for it. Ghost Reveries reminds me of Still Life in a very positive way, so I guess it's fair to say Wilson's influence on Opeth wasn't that good.

Porcupine Tree production is very professional, I guess he's doing a fine job there, though I have my suspicions that his work will suffer "aging", cause it relies much on Protools.
I think Opeth not using Steven Wilson for Ghost Reveries was the best thing they could have done. It showed the band is much more creative without him than with him. Not that Blackwater Park, Deliverance, and Damnation turned out bad, but they sounded affected to me. They weren't truly Opeth albums. They were Opeth and Steven Wilson projects with the Opeth logo on them, especially Blackwater Park and Damnation.

I really really hope they don't use him ever again.
Mike is way more talented that Steven Wilson

yeah ok. why?
wilson's music is way more diverse and experimental (in a good way) than mikes. i like opeth more, its more my sound, but as far as talent goes why is wilson producing/help write opeth songs rather than vice versa?
i havent heard the new stuff but I hope he doesnt go too far with the metal thing. imo hes best at those touching, melodic passages.

Agreed. I was really hoping there would be no/barely any metal influence in the new material...but in terms of heaviness amount it sounds similar to Deadwing, at least from what they played.

Fortunately SW can make heaviness sound awesome, so I'm still cool with it.
I think Opeth not using Steven Wilson for Ghost Reveries was the best thing they could have done. It showed the band is much more creative without him than with him. Not that Blackwater Park, Deliverance, and Damnation turned out bad, but they sounded affected to me. They weren't truly Opeth albums. They were Opeth and Steven Wilson projects with the Opeth logo on them, especially Blackwater Park and Damnation.

I really really hope they don't use him ever again.

you have the most stunning nickname ever! :ill: