Nothing Against Wilson, but...

I remember you, Krak!

Good to hear from you. Your lyrics/poetry were cool.

Not too much is up. Getting close to retirement (less than 2 years) and almost finished with my graduate courses.

How are things with you?
Heh, thanks. My stuff has gotten more Opethian since I discovered Opeth, though; it's VERY different from how it used to be.

I seem to think that you're in the military. Is that right? Way to go on being close to retirement. \m/

Things are very different with me, but to make it short, stuff happened, I moved around a couple of times, and now I'm waiting to ship out to boot camp for the Navy. Going into intelligence; more specifically, as a translator. So that means 'language school' for me. =D \m/ And that's about it.
No kidding? Joining the navy, eh. What is your rating, CT? Anyway best of luck to you in your navy career. If everything goes well for, look to go OCS and make the big bucks.

Yep. I am in the navy, stationed at NAS Jax, FL. I will probably retire here, but don't know if I am going to live here permanently.

I hope the best for you. And it is good to see you found Opeth. :)