Still life or My arms...???

What a tough choice, Still Life was my favorite opeth album for the longest time, but over the years I've come to regard my arms your hearse as the best opeth album ...

so my vote goes to:


but yeah it is heavier than still life, so whatever you're in the mood for I suppose
Originally posted by sol83
I'm thinking of expanding my Opeth collection. I only got BP and I was thinking to start with SL or MAYH..... So what do you Opeth freaks think?

Here is my suggestion: get 'Morningrise". Blows the other two away. Don't get me wrong, they are all sensational albums, but neither are as good as 'Morningrise'.
Well, I like MAYH better than Still Life. MAYH has more to offer, a variation that flows much better than in SL in my opinion, the least good track is far above the least good track of SL, though the best tracks are on par.
Originally posted by Metalmaster
Since it's autumn, I recommend MAYH. Perfect time of the year for that album. Nuff said.

Well said, and I agree completely.
My Arms your Hearse creates the perfect mood for this time of the year.
You lads got me a bit confused. Most of you say SL but also say that you love MAYH. But on the other hand some say Sl is boring. In other words more votes for SL but better (in total) comments (in fact not one bad) for MAYH. Fuck. I'll buy both. It's the only way to get out of this mess! You've all been very helpful anyway.
I'd undoutably go for Still Life. It's amazingly great, and if BWP is all you've heard, you won't be tremendously shocked as the albums have some similarities in style.
MAYH has Karma, which is just so fucking sweet:) Plus, Demon of The Fall, April Ethereal, and When, as well as Opeth's greatest instrumental (Epilogue) make it the best Opeth CD. Still Life is good, but MAYH is better, Still Life is too scary with the intro melody in The Moor, it gives me nightmares:p
What I would like to know is why so many fans consider Morningrise to be the end-all, be-all of Opethian music. For me, it's my least favourite album. Perhaps someone could enlighten me?

My vote goes for Still Life-- it has Serenity Painted Death, which has the greatest Opeth intro and the greatest Opeth solo of all time.
MAYH was the hardest Opeth album for me to get into (keep in mind that I was a fan since Orchid and then Morningrise so it was quite a change and somewhat off-putting at first) but over the years it has grown on me in a way that no other album ever has. Definitely my favourite Opeth CD now, it's an absolute masterpiece... but may take some dedication to discover it.

Of course all their albums are great so you should buy them all anyway :p
Originally posted by NightSilentWater
haha.. and In Flames is spelled 'In Fames' on the last page in the thank you section

Yeah, and Dark Tranquillity is spelled with only one 'l', too...

But we don't want to speak about all the shit in the Morningrise booklet...
Mikael Åkerfeldr and the entire Åkerfeldr family, Anders Nordm... :D
Yes, MAYH will take longer to "get into" but it delivers the biggest and best payoff. With the beginning intro Prologue (reminds me of the theme from 2001, but with its own uniqueness), straight into April Ethereal, and then When, Madrigal, The Amen Corner, Demon of the Fall, Credence (their best acoustical piece imo), Karma, and the final Epilogue...There is not ONE WEAK SONG ON THE ENTIRE DISC! As for Still Life, I thoroughly enjoy The Moor and Godshead Lament, but the rest really do not do anything for me at all.
OK, here's my heavily biased opinion then:

[MadTinus' opinion]
MAYH is, has been and will always be Opeth's WEAKEST and MOST BORING album, it is NOT good damnit!! When will everybody learn! I tried and tried and tried, but all in vain... Nothing but dullness and un-inspired-ness can be found on that album...

Only the last fading seconds of "Epilogue" are worth your attention, for the rest the album just passes you by unnoticed...

Still Life is the second worst album by Opeth, but still a whole lot better than MAYH. So starter of this thread, go for Still Life if you have to choose between the two.

However, if you really want to hear how ultimately great Opeth can be, buy Morningrise, the album that has (justifiably) won every "Best Opeth album" poll on this board so far.
[/MadTinus' opinion]