Stop bitching the New In flames !

I actually listened to early In Flames' work about 3 years back, and i liked it a lot, but i lost all the music i had, and i watched a video of theirs once on Facebook, and i was like WTF !! what happened to them?? are they the same guys? but well, as long as they are having recycled fans that's good for them lol.
I actually listened to early In Flames' work about 3 years back, and i liked it a lot, but i lost all the music i had, and i watched a video of theirs once on Facebook, and i was like WTF !! what happened to them?? are they the same guys? but well, as long as they are having recycled fans that's good for them lol.

What song was it?
Hi All,

I have been an In Flames fan since 1994, and have all of their albums except Whoracle and STYE. My favorite album is still The Jester Race for sure, brilliant music! I did think that ASOP was way too commercial upon the first few listens, but it has become one of my favorite In Flames albums over the past months as I continued to take it in. Some of you are completely overreacting: if you like it that is fine, and if you hate it that is fine too, it's only people's opinions, not something written in stone!

All I know is that I really like how catchy it is, and although it is different it still sounds like In Flames to me. Two of my favorite bands, Katatonia and Amorphis, are certainly more accesible now than they have ever been, but I also happen to think that they are making the best music they ever have over the last several years, even though some people call it "pussy" music now. Who Cares! I like those bands know and no one else's opinion should matter, it should only matter how it feels to me, even if everyone else tries to tell me that it is great or it is garbage!
I'm full of those. The idea was that obviously I'm not serious. I'm not one of those people who don't think anything should be serious on the internet but I think recognizing jokes is a key internet skill. In this case, I'm trying to flush out those who don't realize it's a joke so I can ignore them. You seem reasonable intelligent so I'll give you another shot but our terrorist friend is gone.

You're a sad, sad person...part of the reason I'm glad to be moving out of MA, because people like you are everywhere and make me want to vomit up my lunch.
Hi All,

I have been an In Flames fan since 1994, and have all of their albums except Whoracle and STYE. My favorite album is still The Jester Race for sure, brilliant music! I did think that ASOP was way too commercial upon the first few listens, but it has become one of my favorite In Flames albums over the past months as I continued to take it in. Some of you are completely overreacting: if you like it that is fine, and if you hate it that is fine too, it's only people's opinions, not something written in stone!

All I know is that I really like how catchy it is, and although it is different it still sounds like In Flames to me. Two of my favorite bands, Katatonia and Amorphis, are certainly more accesible now than they have ever been, but I also happen to think that they are making the best music they ever have over the last several years, even though some people call it "pussy" music now. Who Cares! I like those bands know and no one else's opinion should matter, it should only matter how it feels to me, even if everyone else tries to tell me that it is great or it is garbage!

Just because more people know about a band doesn't mean it's turning them into garbage. Everyone's opinions are different and just because someone else doesn't mean they're calling it a fact.
Just because more people know about a band doesn't mean it's turning them into garbage. Everyone's opinions are different and just because someone else doesn't mean they're calling it a fact.

Well In Flames elitists and most of the people who only likes In Flames up till Reroute seems to claim as facts that in flames is shit, they are indeed calling it facts (the majority of old fans, not everyone) But to me that don't matter since i like all albums anyway
Well In Flames elitists and most of the people who only likes In Flames up till Reroute seems to claim as facts that in flames is shit, they are indeed calling it facts (the majority of old fans, not everyone) But to me that don't matter since i like all albums anyway

They have never made an album I wouldn't listen to IMO.
Reroute was the last listenable record, not a solid record, but a couple of decent riffs... The last great album was Clayman.
I don't even look at In Flames like the same band anymore, now they are just some new shitty band that all the 13 year old wanna be metal heads listen too.
I will give them credit for one thing thogh... they look as though they are enjoying the new music. Bjorn seems to be rocking out harder than ever, and if you enjoy what you play, that is all that counts... I just happen to fucking hate what they are playing... But I will always have Clayman to get me hard and Lunar Strain to make me cum
Reroute was the last listenable record, not a solid record, but a couple of decent riffs... The last great album was Clayman.
I don't even look at In Flames like the same band anymore, now they are just some new shitty band that all the 13 year old wanna be metal heads listen too.
I will give them credit for one thing thogh... they look as though they are enjoying the new music. Bjorn seems to be rocking out harder than ever, and if you enjoy what you play, that is all that counts... I just happen to fucking hate what they are playing... But I will always have Clayman to get me hard and Lunar Strain to make me cum

*COUGH* Opinion *COUGH*
*COUGH* No one gives a fuck *COUGH*
If your not a fan, what are you doing here? ;(