Stop bitching the New In flames !

seriosly this is a forum if i want to complain about in flames where the fuck else am i gonna do it seriosly... stop being pussies and if i dont like asop i want to let as many people know how much i dont like it yes i am a fan of in flames and im sure you area fan of in flames so u should be able to say what i want about them and ido want everyones feedback this is honestly for opinions what difference does it make if its negetive or positive either way at the end of a rant someone will always agree with you or totaly disagree with you its just about perspective. the reason people post on here is to get reactions from people not to hear people say stop like a faggot kid who gets bullied untill he kills himself fucking pussies....basically im saying to all you fucks who say get off this forum if you dont like it to go fuck yourself because i have a right to say what i want to say and i expect you guys to give me feed back on my opinion thank you

As do others have the right to state what they want too. Your logic just went to poo.

I have to agree though that it is perspective.

I can get along with some of In Flames newer shit, and I honestly don't believe they sold out. In the interviews they've added that some people just don't know the songs. Their like WTF? Watch some of the newer youtube videos with the Jester Race medley. Half the people just stand around with no clue what to do.

Newer Fans should be lead to the holy grail we may consider. Telling them they suck ass and using quite unethical words like "faggot" is not the correct way. Show them the music.

I had a conversation with a guy at a Into Eternity concert, in which I would describe him as a "elitist prick". He stated he stated that CoB and IF were so much fucking sellouts, and that they should stop touring and shit. He stated he hated them. This guy was all about fucking stomping on music that had popular/similar sounds/techniques in music today.

He went on to rip on a VERY technical death metal band that was playing there, in which the guy was growling like fuck, and the musicians performed very well. I would compare the band to the likes of Nile. Towards the end he went on to rip on the band because they had "breakdowns". There was no hardcore dancing, or anything similar to what that term is usually ment for.

Whenever I asked him what his favorite In Flames Albums was, and stated mine was Whoracle. He stated that the Jester Race was the absolute best and started preaching to me like it was the fucking bible. Elitist in every respect.

The lowest respect I give to people related to music would be those newer fans who will not give any of their older stuff a listen, simply because its old or "not popular". However I give the same respect to the elitist like I listed above who give no credit to bands that have simply changed or even become "more popular". Its bands like these that are basically gateways to the deeper, harder stuff that many of the older fans like. If you want a broken plane to fly, you do not smash it into the ground. You help fix it and get it flying.
I had a conversation with a guy at a Into Eternity concert, in which I would describe him as a "elitist prick". He stated he stated that CoB and IF were so much fucking sellouts, and that they should stop touring and shit. He stated he hated them. This guy was all about fucking stomping on music that had popular/similar sounds/techniques in music today.

How did that guy... smell?

Sounds like an opinionated retard full of shit.
I liked R2R, but Clayman was the last "classic" In Flames album to me. They lost their unique sound after that.
TCP is about as epic as taking a shit.

Perhaps that's a bit harsh, but I don't consider it epic at all, I consider it a failure. Boring, repetative, topped off with cringeworthy vocals. I have nothing good to say about it.
TCP is about as epic as taking a shit.

Perhaps that's a bit harsh, but I don't consider it epic at all, I consider it a failure. Boring, repetative, topped off with cringeworthy vocals. I have nothing good to say about it.

It goes on, like, forever, I always skip it.
Had they added a guitar solo and some less boring insturmental parts then I wouldn't mind the song at all and the really bad clean vocals.
It's like the worst song on the album.
I don't even know if it's a ballad or not.

Repeating the same clean guitar line for 3 minutes.. Really shitty synth ambience..
Anders trying to do some type of singing that honestly doesn't work. The song seems just forcively dragged out.

I hands down don't like this song.
The Chosen Pessimist only needs to be 5 minutes. If you fast forward from the first few seconds to at least 2:30, you wouldn't have missed a thing. Pathetic.
it builds nice i think its one of the only good songs on the album i ca only name a few but if i had to choose the chosen pessimest would be up there i like the way it is very very progressive and i like progressive shit. thats why i like trigger
the acoustic noodling goes on waaay to long. If it had been 5 minutes or so would have been way better.
when you have a shit pile you tend to look for the peices that are less brown but others just see you sorting through shit .... in flames was good food turned into a dark brown liquid shit and i swear it better fertilize the earth and grow a tree or il be pissed i give them two albums or so b4 they play good music again it just needs to absorb and replenish itself into something completly new you know what i mean ..... AND even if its not iflmaes someone will be inspired and make some crazy music through the shit pile .
Those aren't acoustic guitars in the song... They're clean electrics...

true but irrelevant.

and can we have HotKnifingHash banned? If not for his generally moronic opinions then for his refusal to use any form of grammar or punctuation.