Stop It

everyone who keeps bitching about the state of the board...INSTEAD...why don't you start posting topics pertaining to the things you think the board is lacking in?o_O
or does that involve too much thought...
HemiGTX said:
I wish we'd talk about the band or even just music more, but I don't contribute enough as it is, so I don't have any grounds to say that, now do I?

Contribution= ability to bitch credibly.
fuck you. thats my name said:
ok bone smuggler. first off, talk about being gay? you obviously have a banana in your avatar slot because you fear your own sexual enadecuacy. fuck you, and your opinions.
afraid to register, yep. you got me. im afraid of an underaged twerp. thats me. try again in 2 years when youre legal to drive. fuck off, poseur. seriously. i wish i was as cool as you. im gonna try. giving me something to strive for. i guess it MUST be hard work being a dried up stinky dicklicker, but someone has to do it.
i swear to god. for being such an insightful band, nevermore sure has its share of half aborted fans. my god.

That sure is mature speech for someone who says that the board is filled with 16 years old...

I guess any nobody can have guts behind a screen... Good job man!

I think I'm gonna have homosexual sex with people that have as much banana's as possible in their avatar cuz it turns me on... Come here wolftribe!
Haha, GOT YOU FUCKERS. I simply wanted to create a thread in which I actually get a response out of you people. It seems like every thread I make is a dismal failure, so I decided to go the bitchy route because I know all of you won't disregard a chance to argue and bitch. So this is what I had to do. The Now Playing threads, I really don't give a shit about, it's not like I have to actually view the thread. Sure, there's room for improvement topic-wise, but oh well. I just wanted to get a rise out of you people so I can actually reaffirm my position on this board. :D
Sorry friend. If I actually cared about anyone's opinion on this thread, I would admit it. I was not "owned" in any sense, considering this is purely opinionated. I honestly wanted a thread with some responses douschebag.
I, unlike you immature fucks, will admit when I'm wrong, or I will openly state that I've changed my mind on the matter. The Matter its self was one of bullshit. If I TRULY cared, I would go on a 5 page rant on how you are all jackasses. But, I don't. I simply wanted some posts on a thread that I created. Call it a boost of virtual self-esteem.
sunfail, the only thing you own is the 2 sided dildo. you are quite possibly the biggest failure this world has ever seen. develop sars. seriously. just quit life.
listening to you and the other fuckensteins talk is like throwing shit at a window, smearing it, and then looking into the brown spot for 20-40 minutes. mountain time.
i was "owned". youre right. i didnt respond to a fucking little wanker. ohhhhhhh you got me. and larf? you look half aborted in that photo. if thats you, you look like silent bob mixed with liberace and a hint of halford. die.
as for the rest of you. just follow the instructions on the user name. that is all.-
fuck you. thats my name. said:
sunfail, the only thing you own is the 2 sided dildo. you are quite possibly the biggest failure this world has ever seen. develop sars. seriously. just quit life.
listening to you and the other fuckensteins talk is like throwing shit at a window, smearing it, and then looking into the brown spot for 20-40 minutes. mountain time.
i was "owned". youre right. i didnt respond to a fucking little wanker. ohhhhhhh you got me. and larf? you look half aborted in that photo. if thats you, you look like silent bob mixed with liberace and a hint of halford. die.
as for the rest of you. just follow the instructions on the user name. that is all.-
:lol: keep posting, please.... i could always use a good laugh.
fuck you. thats my name. said:
sunfail, the only thing you own is the 2 sided dildo. you are quite possibly the biggest failure this world has ever seen. develop sars. seriously. just quit life.
listening to you and the other fuckensteins talk is like throwing shit at a window, smearing it, and then looking into the brown spot for 20-40 minutes. mountain time.
i was "owned". youre right. i didnt respond to a fucking little wanker. ohhhhhhh you got me. and larf? you look half aborted in that photo. if thats you, you look like silent bob mixed with liberace and a hint of halford. die.
as for the rest of you. just follow the instructions on the user name. that is all.-
haha common sign of retardedness=People make valid points and the response is immature insults.
I love it.
MethodicalWasteManagement said:
Wow, thanks fuck you thats my name for taking the idiocy focus off of me.

dude. 1983 was awhile ago. the whole big sunglasses look has been out since the david lee roth just a giggalo video. i just needed the right thread to spread my wrath, youre retarded attempt was the closest to my own.

wolfspooge, again, shut the fuck up. you arent cool, you arent popular, you wont be nominated for the head fairy in the school play, and you wont be prom king. you fail. shut it.

idiocy. heh. you all have about half the iq of that blonde faggot from "you got served". well see..
ct_thrash said:
you never answered my previous questions either.

first off, i was making a comparison that someone 15 years old would understand. of course i havent seen that movie, but its hard not seeing a commecial without that retard on it. definately not a fag. i make the ladies gush. just ask your girlfriend. that isnt broth on the bedsheets.

to answer your question. you obviously have a sense of humor, unlike rumpledforeskin. fuck him. (again, refer to the screen name).
plus, that frog could probably take the ugly banana. i seea little bit of brown on the bottom of that banana. and we arent talking german chocolate here.