story game

Gazed her eyes for 30 seconds without blinking and suddely vanished into thin air...Siren decided to set on an expedition to find that little fishtail-friend and she asked for the help of...
...thinking that this must be some kind of telepathy, because he wanted to continue the story in front of him with "", but then changed his mind. Suddenly he received another telepathic wave, which was Siren asking him to help her find her fishtail-friend. So he thought: "" and it occured to him that it would be an even better continuation of the story he was writing. Yet somehow he lost track of the whole story, so the only thing that kept returning was the telephatic wave and the question "me?". And there he sat, lost in this binary hell of his, helpless... BUT... (:p )
...I cant remember what happend now but the enxt one knows it for sure because he never takes any drugs or drinks too much alcohol like I did this night...but alcohol is where all great and greater stories begin...the good old drink of...
...Munich-Bavaria-Panopticon! Hey, that brought marduk back on track in a wink of an eye. Suddenly he had a vision that the small Sirens friends name was in fact Nibbler and that he had no fishtail at all. He wanted to lure Siren on a fake fishtail, but in fact he wanted to eat her, her, her (marduk administered another dose of MBP, man, that stuff rocks!), eat HER (damn!) and provide the world with another tiny dark matter poo. The only thing that remained hidden to marduk was his sudden disappearance. So he begun thinking hard and drinking MBP even harder and...
All of a sudden he was at the side of Siren, clothed in spandex and wearing a long puffy red wig and a neckchain with the logo of Mötley Crue. The MBP had actually given him not-so-brand-new 80s glam rock superpowers and teleported him where Siren was in order to help her find her round fishtail-friend. But he was still drunk and told her to...
bring him another round of that stuff, cause he like thought she was the waitress. So Siren brought him another round while sighing, and then marduk fell asleep. After a few hours of watching out for his drunk sleeping butt, she decided that was enough. She brought a bucket of cold water and splashed it on him. Marduk woke up shaking and said..
...splashed him with another bucketful of cold water. marduk sobered up quickly, stood up with a determined look on his face and said: "I know what we are gonna do, we´ll call rahvin and ask him". Siren sighed and said...
"I think you're forgetting we're on a goddamn spaceship. Where the heck are we gonna find a phone? Besides, i'm under the impression YOU are the one wearing the spandex. And everybody knows what that means..." so she grabbed him by the wig which was unusually strongly attached to marduk's head, and forced him to...
...use his superb uber-psycho-telepathic-radar. But then marduk, now completely sober from the pain, said: "Wait damnit, who or what are we actually looking for? What do you want me to do? Ill do anything to make you let go of that goddamn whig!" Siren sighed again and...
said very slowly "rahvin is not here today, marduk. We have to find a way to find my friend by ourselves" Then she let go of the wig and marduk replied...
"who is rahvin?"

then he grabbed another can of MBP and finally came back to his senses. So he got up and..
turned around and saw Eddie Murphy getting a bit too upset, jumping and crawling and making monkey-like sounds, while his almost blind friend cried, "WE'RE GONNA CRASH DIRECTLY AGAINST THE SUN! OH MY GOD! WE'LL BURN ALIVE!" Then suddenly Eddie Murphy started to spit foam from his mouth and later tried to jump over marduk, who then...
Knocked him out with his empty bottle. Proudly, marduk rose and attached Eddie Murphy's body to the spaceship's hood. Siren who had just realized what happened, screamed...
...marduk had just tied the negro Eddie Murphy (see, she secretly belonged to the KKK), but she faked like she was just happy to see marduk clad in spandex and asked him to bring her a capuccino please. Then she murdered Eddie Murphy cold-bloodedly with her little pen knife. So when marduk came back with coffee and saw Eddie Murphy bleeding to death with a burning crucifix nailed to his head, he said...