Story of Divine Wings / Paradise Lost

gods pain would be eternal for having to destroy the lives of the children that he loves because they would not repent and believe.

so yeah, its clearly debateable and good points both ways.

still, i'm pretty sure since in the end we all know that god is supposed to triumph over evil, that the one singing "my paradise has begun" is likely from the point of view of god or jesus or something like that.

or perhaps there are multiple narrators...

anyway, i like the discussion, i find it interesting.
Considering the album is called Paradise Lost, which is a story about Lucifer...
Yeah, I heard some guy saying that the two concepts were linked and Paradise Lost is like a prequel to Divine Wings because John Milton wrote another series of books after Paradise Lost called Paradise Regained, a title of a movement in Divine Wings of Tragedy.
i'm gonna go ahead and say i think you are all wrong!!!

i think the narrator in DWoT is rather god/jesus

"eternal is my pain" like gods pain for seeing his children fall to temptation.

"mortals embraced thunder and majesty, their fate lays in our hands." because god would presumably be the one in control of the fate of mortals.

"i will devise a dark and vengeful day." pretty sure this refers to the wrath of god.

"this empty soul cries out one final plea." like gods patience has finally worn out, and he is making one last plea that people repent.

big one here "in disguise, you'll feel the wrath devine" satan is hardly divine, and this suggests to me its gods wrath disguised as things like plague and war and whatnot, like 4 horsemen stuff.

"standing on the edge of paradise, I sacrifice my truth and loyalty." god would be the one standing on the edge of paradise, like satan would be allowed that close :D and sacrificing loyalty is finally giving up on those mortals whom he had given a chance for so long.

"the warrior brings judgement without compassion..." god and only god brings judgement.

antoher big one "the prince of truth now the bringer of war" i can only imagine the prince of truth is jesus who is now leading gods armies at the battle of armageddon.

"looking out on a blue sky, I can see a new world arrising" satan should have been destroyed after the creation of the new paradise.

"My paradise has begun" yeah gods paradise, satan doesn't have a paradise.

and you know putting all that aside, when it comes to singing, Russel is God anyway, so it should be obvious right? :D

Amazing how anyone could come up with such an erroneous interpretation. Unbelievable.

Lucifer is redeemed in the end, and acknowledges his role in the world's evolution. That is the whole point of the story. He isn't forever terminated by God.

Oh yeah, it's not 'warrior brings judgement without compassion.' It's 'the warrior prince, judgment without compassion, eyes of fear.' And underneath that are the backing vocals saying 'Eternal is the pain that leads me to temptation,' and who else is tempted but Lucifer. said:
I think this song is about Lucifur.
In the first part of the song he talks about his pain which leads him to temptation.

the next part is him talking about how heaven has changed. it used to be one way but now it's another and he doesn't like it. at the end of this part he somehow loses his wings.

The next part is him becomeing evil.
"summons me to decend into the otherside" Other side being......evil bit like star wars.
At the end of this part he says he has been means he can now see beyond what he could before. maybe implying he can see God as the real evil which was hidden from his view. this could be linked to the illuminati too.

The next three lines i think he's planning a rebelion in Heaven

not sure about the next part but it might be when he gets thrown out of heaven.

the next part might be him arriving on earth to annoy people.

the next part is him talking about prophets of God telling the earth about the bible. telling them of judgment day.

the next part is him saying he has caused the whole world to sin. To him this is Victory

In the next part he talks about "The Worrior Prince"
Makes him out to be the Bad Guy.

In the next part he says "the Prince of Truth now the bringer of war" Same person.

The next part he wants to "banish" all the kings of the Earth so he can "dominate" the earth.

The next part is names "paradise regained" so we can assume he's won. and he just describes how he feels about winning and stuff.

well thats what i think it means. It's from lucifurs point of view obviously he's hoping to win at the end.

I grabbed this off of, simply because i found this line hilarious...

the next part might be him arriving on earth to annoy people.

i can imagine the lord of the underworld pulling peoples hair and calling them names...
dparker88 said:
Are you taking into account that lucifer/satan is a fallen angel, who was once among the heavens, and was cast out by god?

"eternal is my pain" Lucifer's disagreement with god perhaps?

"i will devise a dark and vengeful day." I'm pretty sure this refers to lucifer's rebellion against god "The War of Heaven".

"in disguise, you'll feel the wrath devine" Well, Satan/Lucifer can be viewed as divine, given he was an archangel. ;)

"My paradise has begun" SATAN/LUCIFER's idea of what qualifies as a "paradise"

Of course, the song IS open to individual interpretation, so noone can really say what's correct or not... as far as we know, it could be a song about competing fast food chains.

i'm with dan on this one..
Amazing how anyone could come up with such an erroneous interpretation. Unbelievable.

Lucifer is redeemed in the end, and acknowledges his role in the world's evolution. That is the whole point of the story. He isn't forever terminated by God.

Oh yeah, it's not 'warrior brings judgement without compassion.' It's 'the warrior prince, judgment without compassion, eyes of fear.' And underneath that are the backing vocals saying 'Eternal is the pain that leads me to temptation,' and who else is tempted but Lucifer.

pardon me, i haven't read the book... what I was saying was that was what seemed likely to me judging by the lyrics alone.

The only way I could think of it was about hte bible, in which satan is destroyed, so thats what I was goind on... just my interpretation, thanks for being an asshole about it.

and by the way, jesus was tempted by satan in the bible, there is a difference being tempted by something and falling to the temptation. and so is everyone else on earth too u know.

to say my interpretation is erroneous is erroneous... its my fucking interpretation for christ's sake!

i never claimed to be the end all authority on what it means, i just said that that was what it seemed to mean to me.

so if you wanna have an intelligent discussion, you're welcome to argue with my points if you wanna make valid arguments, but if you just wanna tell me i'm wrong with no reason, piss off.

okay thanx