Stupid places you've taken a pee while drunk!


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Drunk people pee in funny places, that's all there is to it. Share your stories!

Last night hanging outside my friend's house for a bit after he passed out. At one point he opened the front door, peed on his walkway, then closed the door and went back to bed. No "hey guys" no "huhuhuhuhuh" nope, just all business. I sent him an email about it, he said "I was fucking drunk, prolly sleepwalking."

When I lived w/ roommates, one hungover morning I woke up and stumbled to the bathroom, noticing the carpet in part of the hallway was wet. "...what the hell?" Then someone from out in the kitchen yelled "dude someone pissed in the fucking hallway!" Four hours later I found out who it was, due to a flash of memory coming back: it was ME! :tickled:
i think i can top that, one time i got fucking annihilated and passed out at this guy i know's house and when i woke up in the morning my friend told me he walked into the kitchen at like 4 am and saw me standing in front of the open fridge with a weird look on my face, with this dribbling noise in the background :lol:

also a few months ago my roommate says i got up in the middle of the night and pissed on a pile of clothes under his (lofted) bed...i dunno if i believe him, he didn't seem mad enough for it to be true... :err:

also when i went to rome last summer, the first night i was there i went and got wasted, my friends dragged me back to the hostel and i passed out on my bed with all my clothes on...i woke up to lying in a big puddle, and i was so hungover i could barely get out of bed :yuk:

edit: also night before last i went camping and got drunk...woke up in the middle of the night and *almost* thought it would be a good idea to piss in the tent, then a little light bulb went off and said "NOOOOOOGOOUTSIDE"
right in the back of a police station ... unknowingly ... get pulled in to the station.
10 hours community service. :kickass:
I pissed in a kettle at a house party once. My friend, wanting to top it, shat in the bath and then stuck all the toothbrushes he could find out of it (brushes down, obviously..).

I also pissed on a car from a hotel balcony in New Orleans and the owner of said vehicle threatened to shoot me. That was fun.
My friends laundrybasket, damn, it was full of clothes. And one thing, that basket was not even in his bathroom... damn I was wasted.
Lee_B said:
I pissed in a kettle at a house party once. My friend, wanting to top it, shat in the bath and then stuck all the toothbrushes he could find out of it (brushes down, obviously..).

I also pissed on a car from a hotel balcony in New Orleans and the owner of said vehicle threatened to shoot me. That was fun.

:lol: ... we have a winner !!!
When I was still living at home, I decided to water all my mother's plants, without much luck on the accuracy part. In other words: All over the living room! :erk:
I have no memory of doing this but I know it happened because there is no other possible explanation: woke up one day in my apartment, hungover as fuck, went to get dressed after a long meaningless shower and unhealthy dump, reach in my sock drawer (which is always open due to too many socks and about 2 feet off the ground), and all my socks were soaking fucking wet and smelled funny. Whoops!
Unfortunately not, they were all far apart.. probably more but I actually think Erik can tell more about this than I can, I never knew about the stairway until he told me for example...
Overly intoxicated going down I-35 leaning halfway out of an RV door. good times, good times. I was hoping to hit a car at the time, not realizing the serious ass beating I could have received or the wreck I could have caused. Later the same night I completely pissed all over myself, luckily I was passed out on the linoleum of the mini-kitchen so no damage was done.
The outside cruxifix of a church, then its doorstep. (ONE STEP TOWARDS KRUSHING THE KRISTIAN KULTTt1ot1tnt1o1!11ioneone!1!!1)

Also i peed in a frisbee, then threw the frisbee it at my friend.

Then that night i sliced my arms open i went outside, bleeding everywhere, and pissed on my friends doghouse (feel bad ='( ) and then fell over and passed out. I think its on video as well. Download me and two mates pissed nearly against a tent...except I caught up with them while they were mid-piss, and when I was pissing we heard I voice say "Is someone pissing on our tent?". They did themselves up and ran but I had to crabwalk away with my dick out still pissing. Finished the piss, got on my knees with my dick still hanging out (drunk, remember), staggered back to our campsite on my knees and luckily remembered to put it away before I got past the tents :oops:

Other ones, my mate's driveway, while his dad was opening the drive :oops: a variety of church time I was so blitzed on cider I woke up in the middle of the night to take a piss in my bin, went back to bed, woke up a bit later and remembered there was still rubbish in it, and took the bin to the toilet to pour the piss out and clean off the rubbish :erk:

My mates have done some good ones. One of 'em was telling me how every time he gets home from a night out he puts his clothes in the wash basket and has a piss in the toilet. One night he was so drunk he got his routine confused and took a piss in the wash basket and put his clothes in the toilet :D

One of the ladies, one time, got home pissed, got in her pjs and went thing she knew she was lying on her bed naked from the waist down. She went back to the compy and found her pyjama bottoms on the floor in a puddle of piss...

Pissing is fun! :D

Front door of my highschool in the early afternoon.
In the open window by the bunks of a parked RV-trailer
On my friend's house's roof.
In an open window of some random house.
The front gate of a country club (had to run[see stumble] from the security guard, who luckily was a fat sack of shit)
On the campfire... with everyone sitting around it.
On my friend's tent
On my friend's dog
In the burnt out remains of a church (my fav drinking spot, since I watched it burn down.... ironically torched by a sunday school soccer team who left their clothes on a radiator. Solid oak churches burn gooooood. )

That's all I can remember...

Unconfirmed stories:
On my ex's dad's car... while he was in it.
In my friend's beer before he was done
On my friend while he was passed out.

I drink too much. But who the fuck cares!!!! :kickass: