the murderer thing was really bad comparison.. you mix things, don!
lets see them crazies:

mood disorders are illnesses JUST LIKE any other e.g. a flue. Its NOT a philosophic or ethic question that you can judge and that, its a Fact. Period.
insanity and psychosys and other mental disorders are also sick, but there are major fucking differences, like a difference between cancer, flue and a broken bone!!!!! They need different caring.
An average depressed or anxious or agoraphobic person can usually work, live, post forums and be a good part of society. Its a sickness but its NOT insanity, it doesnt mean he cant make decisions and that. Its like getting a cold. No fuckin idiot will blame you and send you in prison because of caughing, right?
But there are different mental shit and serious phases of these, when they need to be treaten in hospital.
And in some cases they must be locked away.
and the murderes:
many of them are Totally Sane, do it for money, fame, anger, whatever, nothing sick thought. These are treated as normal criminals and go 2 prison.
some of them are sick. The court should normally investigate on if a murderer was sane or not, but anyway, sometimes they go to prison. Or hospital like. Either way they must be locked away - but not mainly because they are Sinners!!! - Only Because they are Dangerous.
The question is: how can the society let a very sick child to grow up in years of illness and suffering and let him reach a point when he kills someone? How can't we notice ppls problems if they are close to us, WHY CANT WE HELP?
And believe me, even if the whole 6billion crowd is doing what I just listed, these are much more serious mental handicaps than what a poor guy like this has: