supergroup episode 3


May 2, 2005
I just watched it last night. Ted seemed less douche like but baz is just such an idiot. Whhaaaaaaa I need to run, I need to be fit for the pictures. Then he banged out a bunch of half pushups.

I am a runner and I understand that it's something you must do, I feel like I NEED to do it, but then again I ran this morning at quater after 6. I didn't make anybody wait on me.
thraxx said:
This is my Job...... just let me do my job.................. Get out of my ROOM!!!!

:OMG: baz is such an idiot...I wanted to change the channel but I couldn't because I wanted to see what he would complain about next...betweening the running, push-ups, the interview, his own make-up...WTF???

Yeah I bet the other guys are worrying about their BROUGHT HIS OWN MAKE-UP (didn't want to get an eye infection...I thought only girls talked like this)...and that outfit he picked...WTF is he
Baz really got on my nerves this episode. He talked like Doc was the Devil himself until he got behind closed doors with him and then was all "I love you man." What a douchebag. It's like he really does have dual personalities.
Scott's chick seems pretty cool, cute too. I wonder if that's her that's singing on that song they play during the closing credits.
KY_Fried442 said:
Baz really got on my nerves this episode. He talked like Doc was the Devil himself until he got behind closed doors with him and then was all "I love you man." What a douchebag. It's like he really does have dual personalities.
Scott's chick seems pretty cool, cute too. I wonder if that's her that's singing on that song they play during the closing credits.
Is it me or do Sam Kinison and Doc look a like???

KY_Fried442 said:
Baz really got on my nerves this episode. He talked like Doc was the Devil himself until he got behind closed doors with him and then was all "I love you man." What a douchebag. It's like he really does have dual personalities.
Scott's chick seems pretty cool, cute too. I wonder if that's her that's singing on that song they play during the closing credits.
You think he's Bi-Polar?
Scott looks to be in pretty good shape for a guy who wasn't banging out half push ups and goofy ab crunches. I guess being the coolest jew in metal burns alot of calories.
I like the show a lot.Ted is Ted, that's fine by me. Sebastian Bach seems like a bitch though, but atleast he's always been that way. How come he was all excited about the name Fist and when Nugent said he doesn't like it too much, Baz hates it? Hmmmm...
DarrellDethSDMF said:
I like the show a lot.Ted is Ted, that's fine by me. Sebastian Bach seems like a bitch though, but atleast he's always been that way. How come he was all excited about the name Fist and when Nugent said he doesn't like it too much, Baz hates it? Hmmmm...

Because Ted's balls keep Baz's chin warm at night.