Suppressed Metal?

Yeah, but we're talking about crap metal.

It's inevitable that eventually, Faux Metal will become Real Metal, and the true Real Metal fans are gonna be lost in the new wave of Metal. Think about it. Look at the old school metalheads who saw Iron Maiden with Paul Di'Anno. How many of them are you really gonna see at a Children Of Bodom show?
When I'm in my 50's, I'm probably gonna be bragging about how I was a fan of Dark Empire since before their first album was even released!!! (For those of you who don't know Dark Empire, go to the Symphony X forum, and ask anyone there.) It's gonna be the exact same thing with Metal. A new generation is gonna appear, and the last one will be lost in it.

Also, has anyone ever noticed how many Emo bands are starting to try to put growling in their songs now? I don't know if I'm just hearing the same band over and over again, but it seems like that's what's beginning to happen.
Ptah Khnemu said:
... Think about it. Look at the old school metalheads who saw Iron Maiden with Paul Di'Anno. How many of them are you really gonna see at a Children Of Bodom show?

Well there would be me!!! Ok I'm not that old, I'm barely 32, that's still young right? Anyways, I don't see myself not going to metal shows when I get older! As long as I like and respect the music, I shall be there with my cane if I need to!
In 2006, anyone who honestly believies that even extreme metal is beyond marketing, advertising, mass-consumption, etc. has the wool pulled over their eyes. Darkthrone and other supposedly "tr00" black metal bands are being marketed at Hot Topic to the very same type of people who were buying Slipknot tshirts a few years ago. Metal has become relatively "safe." Even within metal, the bands that are capable of pushing boundaries are alienated by masses of fans demanding the next Lamb of God/Dimmu Borgir/Hammerfall/whatever clone. I have written an extensive undergraduate-level paper on the music industry in which I examine the similarities between the culture industry (essentially the media forces behind what Norsemaiden is talking about) and the metal music industry. The similarities are many, from how bands go about getting signed to how labels advertise and distribute this music.

It is important for me as a metal fan to avoid any romantic notions of metal as a last bastion for some kind of anti-commercialism which has been dead since the 80s.
I don't listen to extreme metal because I believe it is "anti-commerical" or some last bastion of free thought. I simply like guitar wanking and good drumming. Yes, metal is somewhat on the outer edges of what society deems "normal", but is still a trend amongst millions of 15-21 year olds who wouldn't know a good guitar riff if they heard it.
Ptah Khnemu said:
I don't listen to Extreme Metal because I don't like it.

1- Why not?
2- What do you consider extreme metal?

+ I listen to metal because I like it...
Is there another possible reason to listen to a type of music over another?
When I think "Extreme" metal, I can't help but think of rediculous Death Metal bands who have a million songs that run together. Pretty much most of the kinda stuff that was on the Ozzfest Second Stage last year. With the exception of As I Lay Dying, Mastodon, Arch Enemy and Trivium. But if you look up the other bands on that set and listen to alot of 'em, they run together. And I really think I should rephrase what I said.

I don't listen to much Extreme Metal, because I'm a Prog-Power nut. But I'll still enjoy a good Thrash band from time to time for the sake of having fun with it.
This talk about metal brings me to an important question I've been wondering about:

Do any of you guys post on UM outside the Philosophy forum? What are your "home" forums if any other than this? Never seen a single one of you aside from Consuming Impulse :erk:
Demilich said:
This talk about metal brings me to an important question I've been wondering about:

Do any of you guys post on UM outside the Philosophy forum? What are your "home" forums if any other than this? Never seen a single one of you aside from Consuming Impulse :erk:

Actually, no. I found my way here several years ago from a friend who posted at the Opeth forum (which is why I joined). Since this section opened, ive really only posted, or really viewed, here. :hypno:

Strange, I know.
Demilich said:
This talk about metal brings me to an important question I've been wondering about:

Do any of you guys post on UM outside the Philosophy forum? What are your "home" forums if any other than this? Never seen a single one of you aside from Consuming Impulse :erk:

I never post anywhere else either. Music is no longer my obsession; or, rather, I have found bands I love immensely, and have no desire to contunue my quest for good music.

Oh, I found this place I think through the Testament forum (maybe it was Anathema or Nevermore). Then I began posting like 5 or 6 years ago on GMD. I cant tell you how many viscious arguments, threats, and insults Ive received over the years. Thus, my distaste for such things on this board. And ive posted a fair share of absolutely idiotic threads and posts over the years too.
Demilich said:
This talk about metal brings me to an important question I've been wondering about:

Do any of you guys post on UM outside the Philosophy forum? What are your "home" forums if any other than this? Never seen a single one of you aside from Consuming Impulse :erk:

I post at GMD from time to time, and a couple years ago I was posting there a lot. GMD has really gone downhill recently. I think I found UM through Katatonia's official site which had a link to their board over here. I only post here at the philosophy forum every once in a while, although I browse quite a bit, because usually I'm too lazy to post anything substantial.
Ptah Khnemu said:
When I think "Extreme" metal, I can't help but think of rediculous Death Metal bands who have a million songs that run together. Pretty much most of the kinda stuff that was on the Ozzfest Second Stage last year. With the exception of As I Lay Dying, Mastodon, Arch Enemy and Trivium. But if you look up the other bands on that set and listen to alot of 'em, they run together. And I really think I should rephrase what I said.

I don't listen to much Extreme Metal, because I'm a Prog-Power nut. But I'll still enjoy a good Thrash band from time to time for the sake of having fun with it.

I've just started giving power metal another chance recently. I tried liking it when I was younger but it didn't click, but now I'm starting to enjoy it quite a bit. I bought a Demons and Wizards album that I really liked. Sort of off topic I know, but for you guys that enjoy power metal what would you recommend for someone who enjoys bands like Nevermore and Demons & Wizards? I like power metal with more of a thrash/melodic death style, maybe that will change over time.
Iced Earth
Blind Guardian.

Iced Earth + Blind Guardian = Demons and Wizards.
Demilich said:
This talk about metal brings me to an important question I've been wondering about:

Do any of you guys post on UM outside the Philosophy forum? What are your "home" forums if any other than this? Never seen a single one of you aside from Consuming Impulse :erk:
I'm always on the Nevermore board... maybe once in a while I'll peak over at the Distorted Mind board.
I'm of the opinion that today people want instant gratification for everything, including music. I know so many who put on their music and expect it to floor them on one listen. I to was like that(when I was younger) I am what I refer to as a "patient" listener now. Having a musical background, I am interested in what the artist is trying to create. Years ago, when I first heard growling vocals and screams I laughed immensely. I was not giving that "style" of music a chance, and as a result I missed out on some incredible music. Now, I listen intently and always find some fascinating and interesting work. I feel people today just don't either have the time or interest to give a thourough and patient listen. There are many rewards in this listening process.
ironbeard said:
I'm of the opinion that today people want instant gratification for everything, including music. I know so many who put on their music and expect it to floor them on one listen. I to was like that(when I was younger) I am what I refer to as a "patient" listener now. Having a musical background, I am interested in what the artist is trying to create. Years ago, when I first heard growling vocals and screams I laughed immensely. I was not giving that "style" of music a chance, and as a result I missed out on some incredible music. Now, I listen intently and always find some fascinating and interesting work. I feel people today just don't either have the time or interest to give a thourough and patient listen. There are many rewards in this listening process.

I rarely properly appreciate music the first time I hear it as well. You have to be more familiar with it to appreciate it.
^ Obiously, you have to get into the style of each band to understand what you're going to listen.

Oviosuly metal is trendy and popular, it's just that the media doesn't give it the hype it gives to "it's getting hot in here, so take off all your cloths (Slut):I am getting so hot, I'm gonna take my cloths off!'.


Actually, I'd have to admit I enjoy old rap, I guess mainly because of Anthrax. Public Enemy is my fave, mainly becaue it's the only one I've heard :p .

Trendy metal nowaday IMO are the bands that have harcore influence on them IMO. Some of them I guess would be (not necessarly hardcore in them(: Trivium and Coheed and Cambria.

Yoou can notice how pop this genres have become when seeing In Flames "disvolution" concerning their style. IF is now some hardcore/metal wanne-be/with EMO choruses. Jeez, I really can't believe how some people like the new album.
Norsemaiden said:
I rarely properly appreciate music the first time I hear it as well. You have to be more familiar with it to appreciate it.
I feel the smae way whenever I listen to new bands. I have to hear a bunch of their songs to make sure that I'm not buying a crappy album. The first time I ever heard Dragonforce, my friend put it on in the car on the way to another friend's band's show. I heard the first song, and said, "This is pretty good." But as we were listening to the whole album, I began to notice that every single song sounded exactly the same. Blast beat, blast beat, superfast, guitar solo, blast beat, superfast, blast beat, superfast, guitar solo, blast beat, end of song. That's the layout of every single Dragonforce song, right there.
And I had to spend 3 hours explaining to my friend why I didn't like Dragonforce, and he got all pissy the rest of the night, because I don't like Dragonforce.