I have a friend whom I gave an audio file too. The file was Led Zeppelin's 'Stairway to Heaven' played backwards, which is supposed to have a satanic message hidden in it. She accepted the file, and I told her what it was.
I said, "Did you give it a listen? What do you think?"
She said, "No RJ. To be honest, shit like that scares me. I'll get nightmares at night".
The other day, I asked another friend of mine about her favourite bands, and she says "Matchbox Twenty, Coldplay, Radiohead...". I asked if she likes any metal, and she goes "No I don't listen to that. Its Satanic music."
People run away from metal or 'dark music' (general perception) because its the oppositte of what their religions tell them is right. The lyrical and musical themes conflict with what is and has been the foundation of our soceity. Religion.