And on a dead serious note, for all those who are ardent fans of the album, do you actually understand the album's flow, or do you just listen to it for the riffs? I'm just dying to know if this album has any conceivable flow, because I've listened to it so many times and it remains every bit as confusing as on my first listen.
The only issue I ever had with Nespithe was Antti's vocal style. Otherwise I think it's fantastic.
That's it. I can't recall a single one, maybe save for the opener, which is rather mindboggling. They all start as suddenly as they began, and the mechanical guitar tone is rather off-putting to me. Each time I listen to it I feel so weird; it's like walking on broken glass.I've listened to Nespithe countless times and though I am wont to remember the track order or even what a specific song sounds like outside of a few ("highlights" I guess you'd call them, as they're more memorable to me), I remember almost every song's structure just as it begins and the first riff/notes are played.
Guess that's my fault since I brought both the bands up. I was just using well liked and respected albums of the same genre/time period as a benchmark. Just so happened that the artists were from Finland.I open up a thread about Swedish Death metal, hoping to make a hasty generalization to undermine VelociBrad's work in the controversial confessions thread and here we are talking about the best band to come out of Finland ever. What the fuck guys.
Let me just mention what everyone is thinking: The 90's belonged to Dan Swano.