SweDM Appreciation Topic

Meh, I probably over-stated my liking for it. I definitely like it more than Slumber but probably not Nespithe. Regardless its fucking killer and anyone who hasn't listened to it needs to do so immediately.
Nespithe is a complete enigma for me; on the one hand, the riffs are often brilliant, but the songs are just eh...feel too overblown.
Slumber of Sullen Eyes is too thick on the bass front for me; and I don't particularly like such sludgy metal
Yes, that too. I dislike belching A LOT. The album could have been benefited from a more understated production and guitar tone, imo.The amount of breakdowns in the music coupled with the jagged production gives me a headache. I can't recall a single listening session of Nespithe when my hand didn't reach for the skip or eject button. It's just too spastic for me. Regardless, I would love to get a copy of the album, if only as a historical keepsake.And a constant reminder of all the things that confuse me about most tech death.

And on a dead serious note, for all those who are ardent fans of the album, do you actually understand the album's flow, or do you just listen to it for the riffs? I'm just dying to know if this album has any conceivable flow, because I've listened to it so many times and it remains every bit as confusing as on my first listen.
HELL YEAH for the Wombbath mention,

And when it comes to Nespithe, all I can say is I can completely understand why people would dislike it..but it remains as THE album that I usually put as my all-time favorite DM release.

And on a dead serious note, for all those who are ardent fans of the album, do you actually understand the album's flow, or do you just listen to it for the riffs? I'm just dying to know if this album has any conceivable flow, because I've listened to it so many times and it remains every bit as confusing as on my first listen.

I think it flows great? Sure they utilize a great deal of tempo changes, just listen to the first song of the album, but I think it's done superbly well! I think the flow of the album is what makes it so replayable
I've listened to Nespithe countless times and though I am wont to remember the track order or even what a specific song sounds like outside of a few ("highlights" I guess you'd call them, as they're more memorable to me), I remember almost every song's structure just as it begins and the first riff/notes are played.
I've listened to Nespithe countless times and though I am wont to remember the track order or even what a specific song sounds like outside of a few ("highlights" I guess you'd call them, as they're more memorable to me), I remember almost every song's structure just as it begins and the first riff/notes are played.
That's it. I can't recall a single one, maybe save for the opener, which is rather mindboggling. They all start as suddenly as they began, and the mechanical guitar tone is rather off-putting to me. Each time I listen to it I feel so weird; it's like walking on broken glass.
I open up a thread about Swedish Death metal, hoping to make a hasty generalization to undermine VelociBrad's work in the controversial confessions thread and here we are talking about the best band to come out of Finland ever. What the fuck guys.
Leave the Finnish DM to a different thread. But yeah God Macabre's The Winterlong is been my favorite Swedeath album for the longest time. Eucharist is great as well.
The Winterlong is really good. I don't like it quite as much as some people, but I do think it's solid. Eucharist, I can't get into. The drum sound is so bad on A Velvet Creation it skews my perspective on the whole thing.
Yes, the drum sound is pretty bad; it's a very solid album though. Nothing too unique though. You should listen to their second album as well; it's better produced.
I open up a thread about Swedish Death metal, hoping to make a hasty generalization to undermine VelociBrad's work in the controversial confessions thread and here we are talking about the best band to come out of Finland ever. What the fuck guys.
Guess that's my fault since I brought both the bands up. I was just using well liked and respected albums of the same genre/time period as a benchmark. Just so happened that the artists were from Finland.
At The Gates really doesn't do anything for me. Probably my least favorite Swe-DM band outside of post-Clandestine Entombed and the Gothenburg bands.
I've never really gotten into ATG. Had their music been less bassy and obscure, I would've loved them, I think. Different strokes for different folks. :/shrug
Most Swedish DM annoys me, tbh.