Symphony X-Castlevania?


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I'm fairly new so i don't know if this question has ever been posed or not, but I was playing an old version of CastleVania on the Playstation a little while a go, and noticed a strong resemblence in the music. My friend than showed me the soundtrack and the songs are apparently done by Symphony X... So I'm just curious, did Symphony X ever write music for a video game... Specifically CastleVania...??
proulxski said:
so does that mean it was done by Michael Romeo? Come on people this is one mystery ic an't live with unsolved

No, it's in no way affiliated with Symphony X or its members. I think it may have been done by a Japanese composer for the Castlevania games, and they called it "Symphony in X" (as if X is a key)...
MorphineChild205 said:
No, it's in no way affiliated with Symphony X or its members. I think it may have been done by a Japanese composer for the Castlevania games, and they called it "Symphony in X" (as if X is a key)...

Only the most XTREEM key of all!
Alright that seems to be all tied up, for anyone who doesn't knwo what I'm talking about look up Castlevania, Symphony of the Night... It always says Symphony X, but as we've come to conclude its not them. (or at least we're pretty sure.)

Lets assume it isn't them, its still I think one of the best video game tracks of all time... And it honestly does sound like something Symphony X couldv'e done in their earlier years...
proulxski said:
Alright that seems to be all tied up, for anyone who doesn't knwo what I'm talking about look up Castlevania, Symphony of the Night... It always says Symphony X, but as we've come to conclude its not them. (or at least we're pretty sure.)

Lets assume it isn't them, its still I think one of the best video game tracks of all time... And it honestly does sound like something Symphony X couldv'e done in their earlier years...

You need to check out the Dracula Battle CDs. They're arrangements of Castlevania themes done by a metal band, with this Japanese Yngwie-clone Katsu Ohta (I think thats his last name) playing guitar.
Yeah, I got this instrumental track called The Tragic Prince, supposedy by 'Symphony X'

I don't know anything about CastleVania other than it's a playstation game but the track probably belongs to that.
Yngvai X said:
You need to check out the Dracula Battle CDs. They're arrangements of Castlevania themes done by a metal band, with this Japanese Yngwie-clone Katsu Ohta (I think thats his last name) playing guitar.

Correct. Katsu Ohta (Also of the band ARK STORM) is the man behind these killer tracks.
I've used dc++ and kazaalite for downloading and every single time I put Symphony X on search field as an artist, those Castlevania songs come as result. And I've wondered, are they really composed by MJR...
Masterous said:
I've used dc++ and kazaalite for downloading and every single time I put Symphony X on search field as an artist, those Castlevania songs come as result. And I've wondered, are they really composed by MJR...

Yes because we all know that whatever someone puts on a file sharing program such as kazaa (usually crap files at 128 bitrate) must be true! :Puke:

I mean afterall James LaBrie released Octavarium, not Dream Theater.

What you're finding is the Dracula Battles tunes.

Take it from me, I own the ORIGINAL Dracula Battles CD's. Both I & II. These are done by Katsu Ohta whos in the Japanese Neo-Classical Metal band ARK STORM.



If you really dig the vibe of this video game music, I HIGHLY recommend you check out music from the game LORDS OF THUNDER (known as WINDS OF THUNDER in Japan). This even tops the Castlevania Metal styled music.


Check out especially...
Tragic Prince is an awesome song, but who the hell tuned that guitar?? Also I hate how the Dorian mode is used when the guitar first comes in.
yes 'The Tragic Prince' is a very well compsed song, and too me feels like egypt... Obviously, and i'm sorry I just notice striking resemblences...its phoenominal, if its not Symphony X, or MJR or helped at all with the music, its still an awsome metal band!
Definitely well composed, I always enjoy listening to it. There are lots of cool parts, with the right orchestration that song has great potential from a listeners point of view.

Tragic Prince is an awesome song, but who the hell tuned that guitar?? Also I hate how the Dorian mode is used when the guitar first comes in.
Now I have 2 versions. One is a 4:03 track which sounds quite good and fades out in the end and there's a 5:09 version which sounds woeful and out of tune with a ridiculous amount of reverb on the guitar. I wonder which one you're refering to coz I understand what you mean cound be applied to both.
Interesting that I found this thread. The first time I heard "Awakenings", when the bass came in, it instantly reminded me of some of the music from Super Castlevania IV for SNES. Every time since, that's what it makes me think of when I listen to that song.
DrumRman, that music is indeed mindblowing. Thanks for sharing it. I'm considering a soundtrack purchase now. proulzski, kudos for making this thread. (For the record, I own Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, altough I haven't yet beaten it.)