proulxski said:
Dubya....we're ancy over them because we're promised them! When the originaly announced the album, we wheretold we'd get some photos and shit l8ter on! Its not that we DEMAND or NEED the updates, but some of us (fans of the band, of the forums) where told we'd recieve that stuff, and they still wait anxiously!
The band said they wanted to get studio photos/video. They've just recently entered the studio to record, so you haven't missed out on much; there was nothing to really photograph during the writing stage. This cd is turning out to be a matter of 'everything that could go wrong has gone wrong' & as I mentioned before, I'd rather let them focus on getting the cd done than pester them with other stuff. I will ask if they've been able to get photos or video, but frankly it's not a priority at this point, letting them get the cd done is. Sometimes the best laid plans plans don't work out; ya'll have to realize that & not get so personally offended by it or life's going to be miserable for you.
As for bans, I don't ban people simply for being idiots or for disagreeing with me or criticizing me. Ursut has been banned at least once before and has a history of coming in, starting shit, & basically only stirring the pot with no actual productive input..not something we need here when everyones panties are so wadded up already. I had nothing to do with War Blade's ban, but he was on borrowed time as it is after pissing off the owner of UM, so I'm going to guess that his behavior in other forums is what led to him being shown the door.
Regarding the promotions thread, I have nothing against CM; they kicked my ass all over the place at PPUSA last year, & were actually the first band there in years whose entire set I actually stayed for (aside from SymX). Frankly, I'm surprised all to hell that people were upset by this simple action. But there's a difference between 'what did you think of this band's blah blah blah' and 'go here to check out my/this band's blah blah blah'..the latter is promotion & belongs in the promotions thread, & the same would apply if it were PoS or Evergrey or whoever coming in to share their latest.
Lastly, JayDub is indeed friggin hilarious, & as he said, is only more so once you meet him in person. Ask him to do his Udo impression sometime, it's classic. *laughs & ducks*