Symphony X's new dark look

I think the band photo is excellent.
Very artistic, and the "movie poster text" under the portraits is a nice touch!
Romeo is a serious movie buff. He has an impressive DVD collection.

I don't think they look "dark", or "evil" in the photos.
I think they look "serious", which matches the music they create!


Seriously guys, the photo rocks.

As for the talk about the on-stage apparel...I think everyone needs to just go outside and take a jog, maybe visit a bar, do something. But spending good time debating the attire of a metal band? Give it up.

Symphony X are not Judas Priest. If you want your band in costume, go see Gwar. Otherwise, let the guys wear whatever the hell they want and remain unscathed by the tongues of their fans.

...that came out sounding differently than I planned it in my head.
And for anyone who saw Bruce made-in-five-minutes treat:


And yes, I realize how funny it is that I just posted about getting a life in my last reply. So...get your guffaws out now.
Seriously guys, the photo rocks.

As for the talk about the on-stage apparel...I think everyone needs to just go outside and take a jog, maybe visit a bar, do something. But spending good time debating the attire of a metal band? Give it up.

Symphony X are not Judas Priest. If you want your band in costume, go see Gwar. Otherwise, let the guys wear whatever the hell they want and remain unscathed by the tongues of their fans.

...that came out sounding differently than I planned it in my head.

And for anyone who saw Bruce made-in-five-minutes treat:

And yes, I realize how funny it is that I just posted about getting a life in my last reply. So...get your guffaws out now.

Both of these win hard. You are now one of my favorite forumers.
Sorry man, but I really don't see the similarity between Pinnella and Gary Sinise (aside from the fact that they are both extremely bad ass). The other four are dead on, though. I think Lepond as Gary Oldman might be teh winnar!
Wow, guys. No need to jump all over SyXified because he doesn't like the t-shirt and jeans. I like t-shirt and jeans just fine, but there's nothing wrong with bands dressing up a little extra for shows. They're performers as well as musicians. For a band like SX, I think they look fine for what they do, though.
Wow, guys. No need to jump all over SyXified because he doesn't like the t-shirt and jeans. I like t-shirt and jeans just fine, but there's nothing wrong with bands dressing up a little extra for shows. They're performers as well as musicians. For a band like SX, I think they look fine for what they do, though.

Which is EXACTLY the point. I'd like to know who appointed him the Mr. Blackwell of Metal? All I'm concerned with is letting the music do the talking.
I'd never make any kind of statement about a band's wardrobe. Then again, I'm sure that means that I'm not "getting it" or understanding how the clothing helps the band's performance. :Puke:
Well I know that crazy tight pants makes wimmenz want the secksin', but other than that, I don't know.
Russ looked pretty hot in the leather pants on the Star One gig.. it'd be cool if he wore that more often.. I hate to jump in on this pointless argument, but it is my opinion that NOT conforming to the whole 'metal' look, is more metal :rock: than conforming to it.. so screw anyone who thinks differently..
I woke up with the bloody head of a goat in one hand and the body nailed to the wall. I didn't have anything on btw. I could speculate what got me to that point, but I wont.

Oh wait! I know! I know!

Was it................ SATAN ?!!?


So do you take a more serious approach to being a Symphony X fan and dress up at their shows? What's that? You wear jeans and a t-shirt but expect Symphony X to dress more classy? Oh that's right you're pretentious, nevermind.

Last time I checked I was the one paying to see them perform and not the other way around. I don't dress up to attend a performance, but I sure as hell do when I am the one performing. A PERFORMANCE has a lot of things involved beyond just playing the music, including showmanship, crowd interaction, and, yes, even how you dress because you are presenting a total aural and visual package to the audience. Some of you people need to chill the hell out - you're not a martyr by saying "all I care about is the music, they can dress however they want". If you're so into JUST the music I'll go head to head with you on a music theory song analysis any day - or we can duel on the guitar. Better yet, if all you care about is the music, don't bother with the live performance - save your money and listen to the CDs again. What's pretentious is having that ridiculous elitist attitude where any time someone says somthing critical about a band the reaction is immediatly 'screw you, go cry about it, stop complaining, etc'. If you live in the real world, you know that presentation matters for a band, and being able to be critical shows discretion and taste. Saying "I'll like anything Symphony X releases" is the sign of an idiot - a choice to blindly like everything from any given band is moronic. Congrats on being the Paula Abdul of the message board.

Jeans + Tee shirt = Manowar style metal

Power Metal, which is supposed to be very theatrical and impressionistic, implies a different visual form.

Someone commented that they understand world-class musicians in a symphony dressing up, but not Symphony X. Symphony X ARE world-class musicians, and given their genre and style, should be conveying that image during performances. They know it - why else would they be dressed up for all their press photos? I'm not seeing any ripped jeans or band tee shirts there. If Prince or Steve Vai or Yngwie Malmsteen came out in jeans and a tee shirt it would look ridiculous. You dress for your music during a live performance, and jeans + tee shirt is NOT condusive to Symphony X's music. If you guys want to remain on your high horse and say 'oh you're gay for caring about that stuff' go ahead. But if you bother to ask any successful band in any genre if apperance matters, they will tell you 100% yes.
Last time I checked I was the one paying to see them perform and not the other way around. I don't dress up to attend a performance, but I sure as hell do when I am the one performing. A PERFORMANCE has a lot of things involved beyond just playing the music, including showmanship, crowd interaction, and, yes, even how you dress because you are presenting a total aural and visual package to the audience. Some of you people need to chill the hell out - you're not a martyr by saying "all I care about is the music, they can dress however they want". If you're so into JUST the music I'll go head to head with you on a music theory song analysis any day - or we can duel on the guitar. Better yet, if all you care about is the music, don't bother with the live performance - save your money and listen to the CDs again. What's pretentious is having that ridiculous elitist attitude where any time someone says somthing critical about a band the reaction is immediatly 'screw you, go cry about it, stop complaining, etc'. If you live in the real world, you know that presentation matters for a band, and being able to be critical shows discretion and taste. Saying "I'll like anything Symphony X releases" is the sign of an idiot - a choice to blindly like everything from any given band is moronic. Congrats on being the Paula Abdul of the message board.

Jeans + Tee shirt = Manowar style metal

Power Metal, which is supposed to be very theatrical and impressionistic, implies a different visual form.

Someone commented that they understand world-class musicians in a symphony dressing up, but not Symphony X. Symphony X ARE world-class musicians, and given their genre and style, should be conveying that image during performances. They know it - why else would they be dressed up for all their press photos? I'm not seeing any ripped jeans or band tee shirts there. If Prince or Steve Vai or Yngwie Malmsteen came out in jeans and a tee shirt it would look ridiculous. You dress for your music during a live performance, and jeans + tee shirt is NOT condusive to Symphony X's music. If you guys want to remain on your high horse and say 'oh you're gay for caring about that stuff' go ahead. But if you bother to ask any successful band in any genre if apperance matters, they will tell you 100% yes.