Symphony X's new dark look

Jeans + Tee shirt = Manowar style metal

Oh really?






And i thank you.

Ignore list'd
Last time I checked I was the one paying to see them perform and not the other way around. I don't dress up to attend a performance, but I sure as hell do when I am the one performing..

I hope to god you don't pay to see them this time around, I'd hate for you to waste your money seeing guys in t-shirts and jeans. The audience generally reflects the type of venue and performance. You go to an opera hall to see a symphony perform, and they will be in formal wear, so will the audience as they sit quietly in their chairs politely clapping at the end of each piece. You go to a metal gig and there's a bunch of guys thrashing around sweating all over each other, more often than not wearing (OMGZ) jeans and a tshirt.

A PERFORMANCE has a lot of things involved beyond just playing the music, including showmanship, crowd interaction, and, yes, even how you dress because you are presenting a total aural and visual package to the audience.

agreed 100%, but that still doesn't explain why someone would feel the need to say that Russell (or anyone in any metal/rock band) "pisses you off" when performing in jeans and a tshirt.

What's pretentious is having that ridiculous elitist attitude where any time someone says somthing critical

Like this?

"If you're so into JUST the music I'll go head to head with you on a music theory song analysis any day - or we can duel on the guitar."

Better yet, if all you care about is the music, don't bother with the live performance - save your money and listen to the CDs again.

Of course appearance plays a role in a live setting, but the focus of a concert is music. There've been more than a few occasions where I've seen blind people at concerts, and they didn't seem to be enjoying it a whole lot less than the rest of us.

If you live in the real world, you know that presentation matters for a band, and being able to be critical shows discretion and taste. Saying "I'll like anything Symphony X releases" is the sign of an idiot - a choice to blindly like everything from any given band is moronic. Congrats on being the Paula Abdul of the message board.

Let's talk about discretion for a second. I think white sneakers look retarded, but it doesn't piss me off when Michael Romeo wears them, he can wear whatever he wants and that's fine with me. I also don't think it's even close to being worth whining on the internet about. See how I used discretion there?

Now, lets see discretion work another way. Let's imagine I'm sitting at a restaurant eating a delicious steak before going to a SX gig later that night. Then, out of nowhere, Russel Allen comes, spits on my steak, then throws it to the ground and stomps on it. Then he stabs me in the eye. While I'm screaming due to a mixture of pain and hunger, he runs away, but not before stealing my tickets and burning them. I'd be pissed, and I'd whine/compain about it. I might even start a whole new thread on a forum about it (once the eye healed).

Someone commented that they understand world-class musicians in a symphony dressing up, but not Symphony X. Symphony X ARE world-class musicians, and given their genre and style, should be conveying that image during performances. They know it - why else would they be dressed up for all their press photos? I'm not seeing any ripped jeans or band tee shirts there.

That was me:wave: . BTW that first post I made at you was 99% joking.

Do you really not see the difference between members of a symphony musicians/classical performers and someone in a metal band? It seems like you don't. If that's the case, trying to explain that to you would be like trying to explain that the sky is blue to someone who thinks it is green.

You dress for your music during a live performance, and jeans + tee shirt is NOT condusive to Symphony X's music.

Says you. It doesn't seem to have affected anybody else's experience seeing the band live


Zach- you win for posting very homo-erotic....i mean METAL photos ROXXORS!!!!! I don't have an internet coupon like Ptah, but if I did....It would be yours.

And I is sorrreeeee for engajing in t3h internet deeeb8......will you punish me?
you're going to laugh at this.....but this ignore list of that just a list of people whose posts you scroll past without reading, or is there a way to actually put people on an ignore setting so their shit doesn't show up on my glorious screen?
just say he's being dumb like the rest of us do. Insult his penis size, then make some joke about fornicating last night with his mother/girlfriend/dog and be on your way. It's much more fun that way.

If you ignore list someone everytime they have a different opinion to your own, pretty soon you'll have no one to talk to on the forum, which would kind of defeat the purpose of it to begin with... :)
I hope to god you don't pay to see them this time around, I'd hate for you to waste your money seeing guys in t-shirts and jeans. The audience generally reflects the type of venue and performance. You go to an opera hall to see a symphony perform, and they will be in formal wear, so will the audience as they sit quietly in their chairs politely clapping at the end of each piece. You go to a metal gig and there's a bunch of guys thrashing around sweating all over each other, more often than not wearing (OMGZ) jeans and a tshirt.

Yeah, metal gigs are also often largely populated by morons who are more interested in punching each other and yelling SLAYER! than actually listening to the music. That type of attitude does NOT reflect what Symphony X is - but alas, those people show up regardless. Do you think when MJR wrote the intro to the Odyssey he said 'boy, I hope one day I get to see someone punch someone else while I play this - that's really what I'm aspiring to here, the note selection, phrasing, emotion, that's the easy part. Getting someone to punch someone else in a mosh pit - that's the REAL goal!'

agreed 100%, but that still doesn't explain why someone would feel the need to say that Russell (or anyone in any metal/rock band) "pisses you off" when performing in jeans and a tshirt.

Because it's unprofessional. It would be unprofessional for a symphony orchestra player to dress that way because of the attitude of the music. If Symphony X were a thrash metal band I would not care if they wanted to do the jeans and tee shirt thing. I'm fine with Megadeth, etc doing that. But just like I expect a symphony performer to be in formal wear to reflect the tone of his music, I expect Symphony X to be dressed appropriatly for their music. And guess what? Most of the time they are. But on Gigantour, Russ looked like an amature and it brings down the asthetic appeal of the event.

How can you be so adamantly intent on them wearing whatever they want? Next thing you know you'll be saying that no band should ever dress up for a show, no more light shows or pyrotechnics, in fact, no more encores or entrance music either, that's all just part of the same catagory of useless details that have nothing to do with the music.

Of course appearance plays a role in a live setting, but the focus of a concert is music. There've been more than a few occasions where I've seen blind people at concerts, and they didn't seem to be enjoying it a whole lot less than the rest of us.

Blind people can't help that they are blind - it's not as if it is their CHOICE not to be able to see the concert. If you think that manner of viewing a concert is equally enjoyable, why not close your eyes the whole time at your next concert attendance?

Let's talk about discretion for a second. I think white sneakers look retarded, but it doesn't piss me off when Michael Romeo wears them, he can wear whatever he wants and that's fine with me. I also don't think it's even close to being worth whining on the internet about. See how I used discretion there?

Now, lets see discretion work another way. Let's imagine I'm sitting at a restaurant eating a delicious steak before going to a SX gig later that night. Then, out of nowhere, Russel Allen comes, spits on my steak, then throws it to the ground and stomps on it. Then he stabs me in the eye. While I'm screaming due to a mixture of pain and hunger, he runs away, but not before stealing my tickets and burning them. I'd be pissed, and I'd whine/compain about it. I might even start a whole new thread on a forum about it (once the eye healed).

I'm not sure you quite grasp the meaning of the word discretion, because this part of your reply doesn't make sense.

It's always funny when someone has to go the route of 'it's not worth whining about on the internet'. It's a public forum for fans - that's ALL there is to do here. The only good reason to have a forum is for people to blab their opinions out and whine to one another. Personally, I think it makes it more interesting to read - at least its challenging and engaging. If you would prefer to just read down the myspace comments list of 'you guyz is da greatest' be my guest, but I'm not sure what value one can find in unmitigated ego stroking. It's 2am, I have time on my hands to blab out my opinion, whoopie. You responded in as much length and thought to my sentiments - wouldn't that make it a hypocritical arguement to say 'it's a waste of time to whine about that'? If you really feel that way I would say it's a waste of YOUR time to bother responding and if you REALLY wanted to live by that theory, you wouldn't have bothered taking the time. Lets just be real peope here and rather than play the 'I have better things to do with my life, and you clearly don't' game, address the real points of a debate (which you actually did in a few of your other responses here). [/quote]

Do you really not see the difference between members of a symphony musicians/classical performers and someone in a metal band? It seems like you don't. If that's the case, trying to explain that to you would be like trying to explain that the sky is blue to someone who thinks it is green.

Do you really NOT see the similarities between Symphony X and symphonic performers? Are you just going to ignore the fact that MJR lists as influences Bach, Beethoven, Stravinsky, etc.? Are you going to ignore all the classical pieces referenced in their music? Honestly, listen to the Odyssey and tell me if it more closely resembles The Rite of Spring or Black Sabbath. If you can't see the similarities there you're really missing what this band is about.

I will say that at least you bother to engage reasonably in the debate, unlike Zach. Putting someone on the 'ignore' list for having a dissenting opinion is ridiculously childish. Tauting the names on your ignore list is even more absurd. All that says is that you can't engage in a conversation like an adult. If you want to whittle the forum down to just seeing posts of "Symphony X is da best' carry on.
My opinion is that dressing appropriately for a performance is an important part of the performance. I do think SymX could do a little more for their image, but it's not going to make an ounce of difference as to whether I buy their cd or see their show...

For what it's worth, I have to perform my classical guitar this week, and I'll be wearing my Steve Vai t-shirt, however I'll be doing it tastefully and won't go 'over the top' with the metal look.
SyXified, you’re clearly a massive SX fan just trying to express an opinion, but you should know, an opinion on this forum that disagrees with the collective isn’t worth expressing at all. Michael Romeo could come and out, do a shit on stage and then walk off and this forum would no doubt hail it as “the best shit ever made” with no negotiation allowed.
I’ve just registered to make this post, and when reading the forum rules I half expected to see “no band criticism allowed”. There’s absolutely no point presenting any form of criticism, this isn’t Sparta, you’ll never win.
I would suggest you just carry on supporting the band you love through buying their records and going to gigs, there’s loads of other forums where good objective and rational music talk takes place, and in the meantime simply leave these guys on the SX forum to carry on sucking each others dicks.
Nice first post guy. You know though, if you'd read half the threads here before you posted, you'd realize there's a ton of arguments going on cause the collective is usually collectively wrong. I criticize the bands I like and dislike both. Oh yea, and if you think Symphony X is my favorite band and I'm a super fanboy, you're so far from right that wrong was just a rest stop. :lol: