SymX/EPICA and also Paganfest Tix on Sale Soon ATLANTA!

I will gladly help promote this show, but I did not book the show if that's what you're asking.

I am currently trying to line up a couple of great power metal openers for her. :cool: Just waiting to hear back from the [slow as snails] Masquerade.
Would Theocracy be one of those bands? Maybe even VainGlory?:kickass:
I still can't find the tickets for sale on ticketmaster for Paganfest. is having technical difficulties so I can't really go through there right now.
I will be there to see the SymX/Epica show because: 1) It's a life goal of mine to meet the most beautiful singer in the world, Simone, plus Epica is a decent band. 2) I've heard good things about Symphony X.

I plan on showing up REALLY early to catch the bands as they come in, and then chill around the city the rest of the day. Any advice for this kind of plan?