TGE CD booklet


Inner Beast
Apr 29, 2005
First of all, I think that This Godless Endeavor is an awesome CD. I am a huge fan of the band. I heard the promo version and was blown away. I rushed to the store the day that it came out and gladly laid down my cash for what I think is one of the best metal albums ever.

One of the main reasons that I buy CDs is for the artwork and Hugh Syme did an incredible job on this CD. However, something struck me as very strange about the booklet. The first 10 pages of the book have cool pictures and artwork, then the last four are totally black with white text. Was this intentional? If it is supposed to be symbolic in some way? If so, I guess I just didn't get it. To me, it looks like a mistake or a budgetary decision.

Just wondering if anyone knew the reasoning behind this...
Knowing CM it probably is budgetary...but, also knowing Warrel's penchant for the depth of all things lyrical perhaps it's to present the "black and white" of what's right there...

Yeah, I'm reaching...but glad you're digging the's amazing! :headbang::headbang::headbang:
They wouldn't spend X amount of dollars on this ENDEAVOR and then say..."Well, the cash is gone...looks like the cd booklet will have to be half black." The background pics are cool but the blackness leaves you alone with the music and words.

"WE TRY TO EXPLAIN THE BLACK FOREVER" (or cd booklet as the case may be)
PratlPoet said:
Knowing CM it probably is budgetary...but, also knowing Warrel's penchant for the depth of all things lyrical perhaps it's to present the "black and white" of what's right there...

Yeah, I'm reaching...but glad you're digging the's amazing! :headbang::headbang::headbang:

sounds good. I fucking love the second pic in your sig btw :lol:

btw, I was really impressed with Hugh Syme's work on this. It's incredibly different from his work on Dream Theater's Octavarium. It's like night and day. I'm glad they didn't work with Travis Smith this time. he was getting a little boring.
I love this cover for the CD...inspired and right on target for the subject matter, much like the alternate DNB with the floating girl.

I'm glad you like the class photo of the new sure to bring bananas
the album work I've done for local bands here is mostly photography with very little editing to it... If I get time when I'm at home I'll show it...

anyways to the topic, I haven't actually been able to flip through the booklet because the fucking CD store here that I pre-ordered it through was delayed the release so I STILL don't have it. those fuckers. I yelled at them for a while.

Anyways from what I've seen of the cover, it looks very amazing... However, as a graphic designer myself, I had a bit of beef to pick with it, of which I won't talk about right now because I'm really drunk. Pretty good for a drunk guy, eh?
It's not ruined, but some of the milk dried on the pages and so they tore a little when I pulled them apart. It's just the bottom of the pages, so the text is fine.

And milk is the metalest ever.
I actually don´t like the cover at all.I think it´s rather piontless and cliché.I don´t feel any connection with the album title either.I do like the pic of the church in the booklet though.That would´ve been a cool cover.
Shit,I´m a fan of Travis Smith so,maybe I just miss his work.

The Digipak is cool though,folds out like a cross,(which you can flip whichever way you prefer),nice band pics,really nice.

Either way,this is one of my top 3 albums of all time.

Need more beer.
