That "Clayman" sound....

Did anyone ever actually confirm that this was the Engl Pro V30 cab and not the Engl Standard cab with the different speakers? just wondering, because I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that Fredman prefers the Engl Standard cab over the Engl Pro V30 cab...

Could you be specific? Show us a link, perhaps? He might have been meaning the "standard sized" cab as opposed to the "XXL" cab too.

FWIW, I just did a record with Fredrik & Henrik. I recorded here in Canada & they mixed. They used my guitar tracks which were an ENGL PRO V30 cab, & believe me, they've got that "Fredman Grind" on them.
Nice tone, Oz.

If you don't mind me asking, where do you normally find your 'on-axis' mic ends up in relation to the speaker? Whenever I've tried absolutely direct on with the cone, toucing the grille it's sounded really sizzly and harsh. Haven't had much of a chance to experiment with the V mic'ing since, as I tend to default on one mic per top speaker on the cab, and try to get the best qualities out of both to balance each other out.

The on axis mic is pretty close to dead center. Sure it's harsh. That's where the off axis mic comes in. Use it to fill in the nasties :)
Could you be specific? Show us a link, perhaps? He might have been meaning the "standard sized" cab as opposed to the "XXL" cab too.

FWIW, I just did a record with Fredrik & Henrik. I recorded here in Canada & they mixed. They used my guitar tracks which were an ENGL PRO V30 cab, & believe me, they've got that "Fredman Grind" on them.

Unfortunately, I can't, because I'm not sure where I read it. I think I read that on this very forum actually, but I can't find it now. I'm just pretty sure he said that he preferred the standard cab because it was tighter... BUT you could very well be right in that he could have meant the regular sized Engl Pro V30 as compared to the oversized XXL version. For some reason I was thinking that the Engl Pro V30 cab and the XXL cab were the same and that the "standard" cab (the cheaper 4x12 they sell with different speakers) was the only other. I just looked it up though and see that those are actually 3 different cabs... Is your Engl Pro V30 the same cab Fredrik uses in his studio? Do you have any clips of the tracks you did for the cd they mixed? or maybe clips of the final tracks from them? I'd love to hear them! I really like the dual sm57 sound and I went and bought two of them to try it out. I have an Engl SE on the way too, which I'm fucking psyched to try out. I might have to sell my cab and get the Engl Pro! :lol:
Congrats on that ! Can't wait to hear your samples ! (i have an SE + V30 ENGL pro cab myself)

Awesome. Do you have any clips of your setup? I've never tried out the engl cabs. I've heard they're quite a bit tighter than mesa cabs. I have a Bogner v30 cab right now, and it sounds good but not super tight... not loose either... somewhere inbetween. The tightest V30 cab I've tried out was the Orange 4x12.
Awesome. Do you have any clips of your setup? I've never tried out the engl cabs. I've heard they're quite a bit tighter than mesa cabs. I have a Bogner v30 cab right now, and it sounds good but not super tight... not loose either... somewhere inbetween. The tightest V30 cab I've tried out was the Orange 4x12.

Well i've posted a few in the past but i feel they're half-assed (didn't know how to tweak my amp settings / mike properly back then) and that i've reached a way better tone now. Use the search function on this forum, filtering with "threads started by : Djabthrash".
Also i've posted a bunch on Search for samples posted by user : djabthrash.
Last but not least, keep in mind i like a very specific kind of tone, that some would like and some other would call "solid state 10 w practice marshall amp / harsh / dry as fuck / undergained / whatever" :). Let's say i like a very Pantera / Dying Fetus kinda tone (bright, sharp as fuck, a shitload of presence, not too polished) with not too much gain (almost crunchy to keep some clarity).

Right now i think i've found good settings finally and might record some new samples soon, but till' then i'm really focussing on practicing more than recording samples :)

p.s: thanks to the Torpedo (see details in the threads i've posted about it) i could hear my amp combined with many different cabs/speakers/mics/mic positions, and those make a HUGE difference in tone. Just switching amps makes a big difference. For my tastes i've found that Engl V30 412 cab works best, Marshall V30 412 is cool but different, and i don't like the Recto V30 412 cab much. Then again, different people, different tastes. My favourite and current tone with my setup is : Shecter Hellraiser C1FR w EMG81 + Engl SE 6L6 (chan 3, high gain) + Engl V30 412 cab, close miked with a Blue DragonFly Condenser mic, and a boost around 3Khz.
Also Lasse Lammert posted a shitload of great samples on this forum where you can hear how much the cab/speakers account in the final tone.
Unfortunately, I can't, because I'm not sure where I read it. I think I read that on this very forum actually, but I can't find it now. I'm just pretty sure he said that he preferred the standard cab because it was tighter... BUT you could very well be right in that he could have meant the regular sized Engl Pro V30 as compared to the oversized XXL version. For some reason I was thinking that the Engl Pro V30 cab and the XXL cab were the same and that the "standard" cab (the cheaper 4x12 they sell with different speakers) was the only other. I just looked it up though and see that those are actually 3 different cabs... Is your Engl Pro V30 the same cab Fredrik uses in his studio? Do you have any clips of the tracks you did for the cd they mixed? or maybe clips of the final tracks from them? I'd love to hear them! I really like the dual sm57 sound and I went and bought two of them to try it out. I have an Engl SE on the way too, which I'm fucking psyched to try out. I might have to sell my cab and get the Engl Pro! :lol:

Sorry, can't give anything out at this point. Everything is on lockdown until the disc is released.

As per the cabinet issue, I think I read the same thing & it was the regular sized pro cabinet vs the XXL.
My last post was May 11th, 2008. Then I decided I hate you all.

No, kidding of course..... it was just that my "stuff to do" / "available time to do it" ratio got off the chart in a very wicked way. So I tried to reduce my forumnia.

I still use EZdrummer by the way. :-D Not much have changed, really...
Yeah, we were getting scared that one of your tracks had broken out of your computer and compressed *you* to +666dB... glad to see you're all right.

Hrm, I'm using a 57 on axis and 58 off and it's definately not as awesome as the other clips posted, everything's in phase etc. Would the slight difference between the 57 and 58 be the cause?

EDIT: I got my hands on another 57 and spent a few hours mapping out the speaker, checking phase, doing tone tests etc. and holy crap, this is the tone i've been looking for for so long... Clips to follow :)
I signed onto this forum just to thank everybody for the help in this thread. This stlye of micing works really fantastic and it does not seem very dependent on room flavor which is nice. You can really mix then mics together to get a good sound without a lot of eq or anything else. I have a sample to post up very soon.
That's kinda the whole point. A single 57 is fine, but it's much more fun with two.


The condensor in this pic wasn't used on the above clip. I use it for clean stuff only.


Sorry for digging up an old post but i was wondering would there not be phase issues with this as the on axis mic is futher away than the off axis no?

And do you guys generally move the 2 x 57's about an inch back to avoid the proximity effect or do you have it slammed against the grill?
It's a sticky, it shall always be here :P

Anyways, it's not hard to get the phase right and there are many posts in this thread explaining how to do it. Also, the phase relation between the two mics is pretty much what makes this sound.
Wow, there's an old pic!

The phase cancellation is what makes the sound. Bring both faders up & then hit phase reverse... you'll hear what's being taken away from the sound. Pretty cool.

These days, I have the pair about 2-3 inches back from the cab to keep the proximity effect from building up too much while quad-tracking.
Cool thanks for the info. Im finshing up this fucking massive diy iso box for 2 x 12 cabs so i'll get some sounds up for you guys soon.