That "Clayman" sound....

A Toolish Circle said:

I killed the prom Queen's live recording journal at Studio Fredman

that guitar micing technique picture is there
enjoy !!!

Awesome, thanks for posting that! It looks like he's got the mics at almost exactly a 45-degree angle with the capsules just about touching. I just wish I knew where they both were in relation to the speaker cone, though! Oh well, that's what experimentation is all about. :p
Disconnekt said:
Awesome, thanks for posting that! It looks like he's got the mics at almost exactly a 45-degree angle with the capsules just about touching. I just wish I knew where they both were in relation to the speaker cone, though! Oh well, that's what experimentation is all about. :p

Dude, i just sent your clip to a guy into dragon force, so i thought he would love it- but he decided it was "too nu-metal" for him? nu-metal? nu-metal? WTF. So i just i'd let ya know i beat his ass down :p
kev said:
Dude, i just sent your clip to a guy into dragon force, so i thought he would love it- but he decided it was "too nu-metal" for him? nu-metal? nu-metal? WTF. So i just i'd let ya know i beat his ass down :p

Hahaha, thanks! I guess I'm just not tr00 enough! That song is almost completely written now, although I transposed it, so that riff is voiced a bit differently now. There are some pretty technical parts that I can't really play right, though, so I'll either have to keep practicing or dumb it down some before I can record the rest, and as always, I'm a retard at drum sequencing. Unless they're really really simple, my drums never sound like anything anyone would actually play. What I would give for the abilities of Acle Kahney (Tesseract), Misha Mansoor (Bulb/Periphery), or Paul Ortiz (Chimpspanner), even though he plays the drums on a keyboard.

Oh, and Fredrik, if you ever do talk to the other Fredrik about Clayman, could you also find out what kind of tubes he likes in his 5150? His tones are always so smooth, and I think the JJs I've got in my pre stages are a bit edgier.
The Grand Design said:
Disconnekt you have to post the full version of that song!

Once I can play the damn thing, I'll record it, and once I record it, I'll post it, don't worry. :)

Oh, and if anyone here happens to be beastly at drum sequencing, I'd appreciate some pointers!
Disconnekt said:

About the NT1-A, there's nothing too distinctive about the sound... a slight low-end and high-end hype, but nothing too drastic. It is notable for its unbelievably low self-noise, which I believe ranks among the lowest of all condensers in all price ranges. I haven't been able to compare it to too many mics... there are a lot that I like better, but those are all way too expensive for me. The NT1-A is great for the price, but if you're happy with what you have, I don't know if it's worth it to go out and spend more money on one. It's definitely worth checking out if you need a new large-diaphragm condenser, though.

Hey man.. about that sample.. I heard the riff without drums, and I must say that I was disapointed with the drum pattern u used over the riff.. it's a GREAT riff and that drum pattern doesn't give justice to it...

just my 2 cents ;)
decadawn said:
Hey man.. about that sample.. I heard the riff without drums, and I must say that I was disapointed with the drum pattern u used over the riff.. it's a GREAT riff and that drum pattern doesn't give justice to it...

just my 2 cents ;)

Hahaha... thanks, and yeah, I know the drums suck. :p

Still trying to figure out what to do about that...
I'm working on archiving the meat of this thread for, although i'll need permission from the main players (storryteller, disconnekt etc) for pics etc, but in the main time, here's a shot of my attempt......funny how I think I need a new cab after seeing Oz's pics! :)