That "Clayman" sound....

Has anyone found the settings or speaker used to record Clayman? I've beenlistening to that lately... goddamn that's good tone.

When I get my new Laptop and interface, I'll be trying this out with my 57 and 58 until I snag another 57 or i5.
Black neon bob said:
got clips?

I will, yes. I have a 5:30 song that I finished about a month ago, but it was sporting just a single SM57 and a G12T75 speaker. I'm not too happy with that tone.

I have a song now that is with the dual SM57s and an Eminence/VHT P50E speaker in my VHT 412. I'm just now finishing tracking the song and then I'll mix it and master it.

I posted the last song on this site and got no's sort of like Tool meets Mastodon/High on Fire/The I doubt this one will be worth posting either, but I may take a chunk out of it just for the sake of clips.

If you're interested in what my tone sounds like before the dual mic'ing, try ...ignore the crapping mixing though. Is ANY engineer ever REALLY happy with their mixes?...haha!
Hey guys,

I recently recorded a thrash-death metal band, and used the Fredman's technique, and it worked great !
Listen to a quick drums/vocals premix :

The amp was a Randall Warhead with a Warhead cab, I used both the graphic and parametric EQ on the amp to get the right sound. The Warhead also has an amazing knob : "medium sweep", you must try it ;)

One 57 (the one straight in front of the cab) gave a clear and clean sound, and the other mic sounded more dirty, and added a cool thing to the guitar sound. Let me know what you think.
miche said:
the waveform is really nice. doesn't look like a hard limiter. what did you use for mastering? any limiter or compressor?

I did use Waves L2, actually... I tried to avoid audible artifacts while getting it fairly loud, but it's always a tricky game when messing around with a limiter like that.
Disconnekt: Could I by any chance persuade you to post your eq and C4 settings? I know I can't use them as my sound is different - but I'm interested in seeing where the problem areas are and what you've done to eliminate them. I just heard your clip about a hundred times... great stuff... I'm completely brainwashed by now... :headbang:
Sly said:
Hey guys,

I recently recorded a thrash-death metal band, and used the Fredman's technique, and it worked great !
Listen to a quick drums/vocals premix :

The amp was a Randall Warhead with a Warhead cab, I used both the graphic and parametric EQ on the amp to get the right sound. The Warhead also has an amazing knob : "medium sweep", you must try it ;)

One 57 (the one straight in front of the cab) gave a clear and clean sound, and the other mic sounded more dirty, and added a cool thing to the guitar sound. Let me know what you think.

hi man,

I liked alot of the drums, very nice! I thought the guitars a bit muddy!
