The -- Ask a Question -- Game

none. i don´t need one, have a programm on my computer to watch all programms of german tv ;)

are you watching much tv (besides the soccer world cup atm maybe)
if you mean actor/actress, it´s Johnny Depp ;))

Where would you like to go on holidays just now?
^^ Apparently StoneWoman's and Cari's answers coincide!! :D :D

^ To some beautiful mountain-y place, super-wild and super-beautiful with awesome sceneries and some streams and rivers and starlit skies and yesh. :lol:

If you could be an artist / someone in a band, who would you like to be?
probably some person in a medieval folk band or so, when it comes to the music type...
i surely wouldn´t be singing, don´t wanna be sing (hm, or maybe I would want to?! XD), but surely play nyckelharpa and such instruments in that band...

if it´s about some existing band where I´d have to chose a bandmember who I´d like to be, I´d have to refuse to answer the question *laughing*

Are you liking any weird/odd instrument (no, violin or such isn´t weird or odd LOL)?
A few months ago I saw a photo of a snare drum which had a batter head (that's the top side) much larger than the resonant head (bottom side). There were some comments on the photo on how it produces an amazing sound (yes, I dunno what that means either). I have never seen such a drum in person, much less heard one; in theory it should be a very sensitive snare. One of my summer projects is to make one; 16" batter, 12" resonant, 10" tall is the plan. Sure not very weird, but I'm hoping it's odd enough ;)

What would you want as a gift?

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
a lease-contract for a flat in Jyväskylä (hahaha) or a nyckelharpa I think...

Do you like walking outside alone when it is nighttime?
Just a few of them on the balcony, but for some reason or another, apparently they either hate the light or the placement or I don't know, cause they wither so fast :( Whenever we get them, they're like wholly bloomed and so pretty and then in two weeks, pffffllllllchhht.

When was the last argument you've had?
about a possible apartment for me...*sighs*

do you rather party at your place, at a club or at a friend´s place?
Most of the times the club, or at a friend's place because then i don't have to bring drinks and snacks all around XD

Your favourite song of the moment?