The -- Ask a Question -- Game

"fix dns propagation issues" on a green post-it . . then I underlined it, circled it, and stuck it on my desk.

What fish should I put in my living room 154liters/40G fish tank?

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
Is is tropical, saltwater or cold water tank?
Guppies seem to be brillliant at living in all of the above, failing that Piranha's are rather endearing.

Any plans for the summer? (aside from metal festivals of course:p)
one killer goldfish.

Why are goldfish called goldfish, most seem to be more (supporting the Dutch national team? xD) than gold.

edit: the question still stands, my answer will be: working, earning money. Mika just was a tad quicker than me...
maybe it´s been more yellow-ish like earlier on when they came up with the name?
i have NO clue...

is the name "Kim" in your country more used for females or males?
when I was reading the question it was the computer mouse ;))

What is the closest green thing for you?
You mean like a green object closest to me? That would be a green colour marker! ;D

Of what colour and material is the building next to your house? (On the left side if there's one on both sides.)
Thankfully, my only neighbour is on the left thus ending any confusion I may have had:grin:
It's a red bricked house, with a conservatory on the back:tickled:

The Dutch to win the world cup?
none...I can´t really wear rings for long, dont know why, but my fingers simply dislike I am hardly wearing rings...esp not when it is warmer...

what would you be doing if you were told the world ends in 24 hours (and it really would)? - and i mean during those 24 hours...XD
I'd call Bruce Willis' agent to see what can be done about it ;)

Same question . . . this is just too good of a question to simply let fade.

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
I´d go to Finland, take the ferry to Suomenlinna. There I´d sit close to thewater on the rocks, drink Lonkero and play cello and watch the sunset and sunrise.

Am I supposed to ask a new question now?