The -- Ask a Question -- Game

Nothing physical, not as in looks, anyway. When the guy looks super clingy and has those bedroom eyes all the time. :lol: It screams "DESPAIRRRRRRR!!!!"

When did you have your first crush?
every day ;) have to see if you guys make me have work or not *laughing*

do you also tend to forget to ask a question after having answered the one above? XD
"Are you serious?"
Honestly, it pisses me off when I have to repeat my statement 23714 times, especially when the things I've said aren't so outrageous at all! :lol: And the world seems packed with people who, after hearing the most inoffensive piece of information / gossip / fact, they just pop their eyes out at you and go: "REALLY?" - "NO. I'M JUST MAKING IT UP SO THAT YOU CAN ASK AND MAKE SURE". :mad: *rageface* :lol:

Favorite game you used to play as a kid?
memory cards stuff...and i was really good at it, now I suck at it XD

where will you be today in one week and what will you be doing?
I will be at Tolmin, Slovenia! Metalcamp!! At this time i''ll be resting from the wild party that Equilibrium will bring ;) Can't wait, the bus leaves saturday already :D

What did you do one week ago en where were you?
I was home busting my ass working to finish a huge work project - I just finished it today at noon.

Did you know that today is my birthday?

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
^^ happy birthday :)

I think he´ll get some´s mostly like this with people I think XD

who of the chipmunks would resemble you? XD
Umm... maybe the Mulan, because she was the only one who actually stood up for her self? (I am a feminist :/)

Have you ever dropped something into toilet (accident/purpose?)
no, luckily I haven´t, and it´s a surprise looking at how clumsy I am at times XD...but I know many people who did that per accident *laughing*

anyone else having problems accessing the forum like I have? :S
nope, never wanted and never needed *laughing*

something everyone should do once in a lifetime when it comes to your thoughts?
just a bansage around my left big toe *sighs* nothing else...XD

one thing you should always take with you when going on holidays (besides anything money-related)?