Viking/Folk/Pagan lol.
Btw, I am not offended at all.

You claim to be saving this place whilst in reality, you are not. So don't, I repeat: DON'T, claim you are. That is the only thing remotely offending.
Apparenlty, you miss my point completely. Not just once, but like...most of the time.

I am not saying you go off topic all of a sudden, but eventually (should have added that word in my previous post) threads go so far off topic that getting back on topic is hard. Also, as soon as a thread has gone off topic once, even if it gets back on topic, is just as easily disrupted again. I like a stroll off opic now and then, but you tend to overdo it a bit if you ask me.
1) And why should the whole world grow up except you and not the other way around?

As far as I can see, going off topic a lot and not contributing much to serious converstations but instead just disrupting them with pointless off-topic-ness outside the off-topic section isn't exactly an indicator you are "grown up" yourself. lol.
2) who called you boring? I just said I think Vikingess posts stuff that's funnier and far more enjoyable than most things you post, yes. So what? I clearly stated I wasn't bashing you and I'd like to repeat that once more... You're not boring, I just like Vikingess her posts more usually. That's something completely different from you being boring. e.g.: If I ask you if you prefer chocolate or lollypops, and you say you prefer lollypops that doesn't mean you dislike chocolate.
You yourself are the one who got Mika and Vikingess involved, but I find their posting behaviour to be far different from yours actually. So don't whine if I then speak up and say what I think about them, you brought them into this yourself ^^
3) I find it funny how you are so clearly offended on a personal level by all this. Handling criticism is hard for people nowadays apparently. Once more: the only thing I find slightly annoying is that you claim to be "saving the forums". I don't think most people come here to read mindless off-topic doodles that have got nothing to do with anything (either written by you or anyone else that doesn't matter), but people DO come here for much more serious, Turisas-related stuff. So how do you think you're saving the forums exactly with all that off-topicyness? This is the (official) TURISAS board after all, not the 'KATIE GOES OFF-TOPIC' board. I respect you as a person and I always will, and I far from dislike you or w/e but you are just not saving this place like this. Why would it need saving btw? It's cool as it is, a bit dull because it's just after the December hollidays etc. So that is the only itsy bitsy part I find to be annoying ok? You act like I just insulted you on a personal level, and that is just not necissary if you ask me
Katie, I seriously hope we are "still cool" (as the hiphopfolk says)?