The -- Ask a Question -- Game

As much as I hate the company... it's gotta be Disney, The Little Mermaid kicks all of Pixar's movie's ass!!!

Do I go see Firewind and Alestorm in london in feb... or go to the Viking Festival in York which is on the same damn day!?
Violins...which I suppose would come under rock 'n' roll.

Should I get rid of the little tin lunchbox my recent ex bought me? (It's really cute, but *he* bought it... :mad: )
Violins...which I suppose would come under rock 'n' roll.

Should I get rid of the little tin lunchbox my recent ex bought me? (It's really cute, but *he* bought it... :mad: )

Not at all, if you like it keep it then sell it in 50 years when it is a valuable collectable and buy your grandchild a lunchbox to give to their ex.

I am seeing two girls at the moment and have started seeing a third, a female cousin of one girl 1, girl 3 knows I am seeing her cousin girl 1.

When should I tell girl 1 about this new love interest that is her cousin? I feel she will be pissed off about it.

Depends whether you want to see pixies or wild marauding haggis.

Should I take some photos of the viking helmet I got for Christmas and post them on here, given that I've alrady got one mate demanding to see it?
Don't tell her anything. Just see if you can pull her grandmother too.

Have seen the mothers of both and wouldn't do them so pass. eww!

When I've finished this pack of beer should I move onto home-brew or whisky?

Home brew

Should I take some photos of the viking helmet I got for Christmas and post them on here, given that I've alrady got one mate demanding to see it?

Most definitely.

Scotch whisky or Irish whiskey?

Because insurance doesn't cover two fire hazards in the same corner.

Was there a question asked here that you wanted to answer, but someone else answered before you had a chance?

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
Was there a question asked here that you wanted to answer, but someone else answered before you had a chance?

It happened to me today, I answered and as I hit reply it had already been answered while I was typing.

My solution, answer both, see three posts above.^^^

Which begs me to ask, can you answer a question that has already been answered as long as you answer the last question posted?

Of course, you're giving a different/other perspective to one that has already been answered whilst still keeping the thread on topic by answering the newest question....well as long as you add your own question afterwards I guess....

Viking Kitties or Ninja Dogs?

Cloudberry jam or orange marmalade? (Just got back from stocking up at Ikea, woo! :D)
I'd go with the latter personally, unless you have bacon, in which case bread (and ketchup) becomes a priority.

Should I put Bert the Hallowe'en Bat back on the wall or leave him in the corner?
Back on the wall. You know the way he sulks when he's left in the corner.

Do I move the cat from my favourite chair and put up with him giving me filthy looks for the rest of the evening or do I just sit somewhere else?
Move the cat, as an inferior species with only two legs to toddle around on, you need the extra comfy-ness of your favourite chair to make sure they still work tomorrow, cats however curl up anywhere and throw filthy looks for no apparent reason might as well give it one :P

Skype or MSN?

*shakes fist @ katie*

CAEK BLATENTLY! especially free chocolate cake or buns if you've ever met the 'force :)

^^^^my question still stands