The -- Ask a Question -- Game

Um, oh yeah, um...

Is it safe for me to clear out my grandparents's freezer (sample content - prawns with a turn-of-the-millennium use-by date) without protective gloves?
nope, I wont I guess *laughing* isnt a part of the world that interests me much actually *blushing*

how do you celebrate xmas?
too much drinking and smoking, playing SingStar completely drunk with all of ym friends... *laughing*

what are your aims for 2009?
that time doesn´t exist, never been that drunk I couldnt remember anything the day after XD

do you love going on parties?
what should I think about it? having jewish friends aswell it´s normal...

what do you think about pagan?
Paganism is a complex concept. There are milions of "pagan" religions, because everything that isn't Christian is considered to be pagan (from the traditional European point of view, Islam has the same with "infedels" e.g.). I suppose you mean "nature religions" such as Ásatru. But how I feel about it? Odin Owns Ye All!

Who's the most badass god from old Nordic Odinism?
The Hastings Traditional Jack-in-the-Green Morris Dancing Festival.
(Go on, you know you want to!)

Why the hell have we never got around to getting central heating in this house?