The "Ask KillerGon" thread:

I am fine.
I found my old computer and after digging through trojan after trojan i found cobot again.
I am sad because I have missed so much yet i don't miss anything about cobot except the pr0's here.
Now i must *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *thwack*
i hate the new layout
i hated the old one too though
i hate mods
i love porn
that is all

This is why i love you Keith! :oops::oops:

The bolded ones should be two of the ten COB-OT commandments. :worship:

KG: do you lieke mudkipz?

To be honest, I don't. Only newfags liek muidkipz.

True oldfags like Seaking! :kickass:

Do you care that I only ever ask football questions or would you like me to ask other shit?

Whatever you like man, it's fine for me.

i have a cold, what should i do ? :(

Pull the trigger.
Is Gon/Gonzo short for Gonzales?

umm, try Gonzalo, as in the given name.

Exactly. Gonzalo is my complete name.

gonzo-speak for 'make muffins'?

Nope, as for pull the motherfucking trigger, wimp! :yell:

You're saying I should hate myself and turn emo? :lol:

wut? o_O

^ Why are (or rather, were) lame trolls all over the place?

Dunno man, but I guess it has to do with the new COB Album. Personally, I can't stand all the faggotry within this forum, so I only post from time to time.
Finally they started showing House on Norwegian television! =[]
It wasn't as funny as I had expected, but still pretty awesome.
This isn't really a question though, so I'll just put a question mark at the end of this sentence to make it look like one?
hmmm I love sausage

8 inch sausages? :lol:

Finally they started showing House on Norwegian television! =[]
It wasn't as funny as I had expected, but still pretty awesome.
This isn't really a question though, so I'll just put a question mark at the end of this sentence to make it look like one?

Dude, just give it some time. It will eventually pwn your mind into multiple pieces! :worship: