The "Ask KillerGon" thread:

hahahah that fuckin guy asked everybody who is my contact list ''barbecue at flo's house, wanna come?'' eventhough we didnt have anything for barbecue.
But yeah, our online barbecue rocked!

It was fun, we'll have to do it again sometime
of course!
but we should meet in real life and have a real barbecue :D
but.. anyway i'm always ready for an online barbecue :lol:
how can I reduce my headache without taking any drug for it ? I feel like my brain is gonna explode at any moment

Get of the computer and take a rest. Zero music. That's the best thing you can do against a painful headache.

Dear Gonzo,

I'm really hurt over something, what's the best way to just forget about it or take my mind off it?

Having an optimistic and renewed point of view in life. Try meditating... that should work.
Why are the people in CoB On-Topic just so fucking retarded?
not this shit again...
