The "Ask Undefined" Thread

'La Masquerade Infernale' and 'The Sham Mirrors' are my favourite Arcturus albums. LMI has my fav song, "The Chaos Path", but TSM has SO many awesome songs. Also, Vortex is the singer for TSM, LMI is sung by Garm (except of course Chaos Path which is sung by ICS Vortex). Both men are amazing singers IMO. Add me to MSN and I'll send some if you want.

I'll check those out, thanks. I don't have msn or myspace so I'll just download them myself.
^ None, they're all too generic and will bore the shit out of you.

Heartless...i dont know if you remember...but we talked about Hypocrisy some time ago...and you said the old albums was awsome...and i dident thought so at first :lol: but now i have checked em out...and i gotta say they are good indeed!!
Dear Joe.
Are you alive?

Sincerely, Ariane (if you remember me, that is XD)
Yes, I am unfortunately :p Just been really fucking busy and dealing with bullshit. Hopefully I get to talk to you soon!

which hammerfall album should i get? :p

Ionna, I'm not a big fan. The song Child of the Damned is pretty good though. If you want good power metal I'd go for a band like Angra, Blind Guardian, Edguy, Sonata Arctica or Helloween.

^ None, they're all too generic and will bore the shit out of you.


Why Heartless Name as your username
Because I'm gay and emo, and that name made me rock hard in the pants when I thought of it while cutting my wrists and crying.

-[chop]-;6620624 said:
Heartless...i dont know if you remember...but we talked about Hypocrisy some time ago...and you said the old albums was awsome...and i dident thought so at first :lol: but now i have checked em out...and i gotta say they are good indeed!!

:lol: Yes, I love how much Hypocrisy has changed over the years. They started with crazy, gutteral vocals and were really pure death metal then they added a melodic touch. The first 4 albums are pretty fucking solid, I like the new shit more but they do have some fucking amazing songs from those albums. Adjusting the Sun is one of my fav songs, ever.

Listen to it outside in a massive fucking thunderstorm. It's awe-inspiring.
Yeah they have changed in a good way tho :) i will listen to that song later...seems killer...all right new question...ever been to a Hypocrisy gig? :lol:
-[chop]-;6621097 said:
Yeah they have changed in a good way tho :) i will listen to that song later...seems killer...all right new question...ever been to a Hypocrisy gig? :lol:

Yeh, you'll love it. And no, I haven't, but some day I fucking hope so!

What do you do when youre fucking bored, and all the obvious things to do are either not available or are just boring as fuck atm?
Oh, and dont say co/b/ot

:lol: Write a poem :)

Or jerk off :lol: Either way!

(Seriously though I try to do something productive, like write something, check out news bands, watch a movie or something (go to peekvid if you want there's lots to check out). If none of that helps, do a barrel roll or become an hero.
Ionna, I'm not a big fan. The song Child of the Damned is pretty good though. If you want good power metal I'd go for a band like Angra, Blind Guardian, Edguy, Sonata Arctica or Helloween.

I have a bit of SA, Angra, and Helloween. Although I only really liked King For 1000 Years, I never really fully delved into Keeper of the Seven Keys I/II. Those are the only albums that I've heard overblown praise over, I just never checked them out.. Do you like Angra's new album? Havent bought it yet. I remember being pretty satisfied with Temple of Shadows, although it was an album where I couldn't really pick out really distinguishing tracks. Kind of blended together, Spread Your Fire was all that was really memorable. Although in Hammerfall terms, i enjoy blood bound, and hearts on fire tbh.
How do I kill someone and hide the body, and then get away with it?

If I told you then I'd have to kill you, and hide the body :) PARADOX :O

-[chop]-;6622415 said:
I hope i get to see them too...i dont think there have been a gig here in Sweden for like a year :lol: well maybe 1 or smt...

Fuck, yeh :lol: I checked their site today, and I got so fucking excited when I saw the date "11/14" in a venue 3 hours from here. Turns out that was LAST YEARS FUCKING DATES. I was so mad :lol: They need to update their fucking site :mad:

Do you like Angra's new album?

I'm gonna be honest and say I haven't gotten around to listening to it yet, so sorry no comments here, however:

Havent bought it yet. I remember being pretty satisfied with Temple of Shadows, although it was an album where I couldn't really pick out really distinguishing tracks. Kind of blended together, Spread Your Fire was all that was really memorable.

Are you kidding! Are we listening to the same CD here? :lol: Ok, I'll just stfu and spare you, but as far as 'no memorable tracks', um... TEMPLE OF HATE and WINGS OF DESTINATION are great songs, not to mention they feature even GREATER guest vocalists (Hansi from Blind Guardian :worship: on WoD and Kai Hansen on ToH)... Seriously, I love Temple of Shadows, one of the best concept albums I've ever heard.

Allmighty Joe, what is my future?:worship:

I see... a lame, unfulfilling response from me in your future :lol:
Fuck, yeh :lol: I checked their site today, and I got so fucking excited when I saw the date "11/14" in a venue 3 hours from here. Turns out that was LAST YEARS FUCKING DATES. I was so mad :lol: They need to update their fucking site :mad:

Indeed...those tour dates have been there for like...forever...but i read news there and they have been busy with side projects and what not...
How do I remain cool while wearing an AYDY tshirt?

God :lol: If you're buying band shirts to look cool then kill yourself because that's what emo kids and poseurs do. But here is my opinion:

:lol: AYDY was good, so who gives a shit. Where it with pride, although I'll admit the design is a bit um, well I don't like it, I prefer the T,L&S shirts. I have a COBHC FINLAND, a HCDR and a CRY shirt, all worn with pride (plus a FtR hoodie). If you don't like AYDY or Bodom, then don't wear the shirt. It's simple, who gives a shit what people think.

^ Wear it inside out.

I have a really faggy Sonata shirt I'd like to do that to :lol:

-[chop]-;6623249 said:
Indeed...those tour dates have been there for like...forever...but i read news there and they have been busy with side projects and what not...

Yeh, I know, but still, I was happy for an instant. Besides Peter is producing the Bodom album and also, Decapitate is gonna be on tour with Amon Amarth at that time so it's my own fault for not paying attention.