The "Ask Undefined" Thread

Yesterday I had a heart to heart with someone and I don't recall an occasion when I was so open about the subject of how I feel. All for nothing, obviously.

When am I going to quit feeling like an idiot about this event? :lol:
Does the combination of having both itunes and Windows Media Player take up a lot of space since the mp3 files have to be in different formats? Which leads me to my next question, should I get an external hard drive?

anything windows is complete bullshit in the first place. however, storage upgrades on desktops are so fucking cheap/easy that its not worth buying the EH.

Aye, I'm surprised you didn't mention Into The Storm. Many people consider that to be BG's "Anthem" (apart from The Bard's Song In The Forest ofc (video I recorded at Wacken there was some weirdo behind me with a really really bad voice :lol:)

har i dno actually :lol:

imo, the beginning and ending of NIME are really strong, however tracks like noldor kind of fall off a bit. but still a great album.
Yesterday I had a heart to heart with someone and I don't recall an occasion when I was so open about the subject of how I feel. All for nothing, obviously.

When am I going to quit feeling like an idiot about this event? :lol:

Sorry, can't really answer that, don't have enough info, just give it time, you'll feel better. It's always good to get things off your chest.

MOAR KWESTSHUNS (I forgot about this thread)
@Cris: Give it 3 days, then ask yourself if it did more harm then help :p

That is very specific! :p
It's been more than 3 days and yeah, I do feel better...:Smokin:

I live in a basement apartment and whenever there is melting snow and non-stop rain for 3 days (like now), the apartment floods. We'll have to tear out the carpets and pretty much redo the whole thing. Now, since this is obviously going to happen again during the next rain (and no, moving is not an option), I decided that carpeting the place again is pure stupidity. So, what kind of flooring should we use? The water doesn't come in through the doors or anything, but from under the house. I thought of tile, since it dries so easily, but would they come out with water rising underneath it? The water has no pressure at all.
According to the fact that a bottle of vaseline lasts at least 5 years, how does the vaseline company manage to make money when every single person on earth holds his own bottle of vaseline?