The "Ask Undefined" Thread

-[chop]-;6320485 said:
What do you think of the Opeth ppl coming over here and making threads?
Dumbfags are dumb.

It's kinda funny to watch, as they embaress themselves here with their lame flaming attempts... adding only more shame to their sad existance... which is a hard feat considering they openly proclaim Opeth as their fav band, as if that wasn't bad enough... now they come here and rape themselves even worse.

Someone get these dipshits a trophy.

He doesn't eat from the garbage, but yeah, he'll take pieces of furniture and whatnot. He never did it infront of me, but one time he said "hey, we should go dumpster diving sometime!":Smug:

:lol: Well that's not bad at all, I am a cheap bastard and I have a lot of GOOD furniture in my house/room that I found on the curb/by dumpsters. And in fact, I've made a lot of money selling 'curb furniture' to people as well. A coffee table or cabinet or some shit... if they're in good shape why not? It adds up over time, 20-40 bucks for dragging something to your house and selling it to a neighbour ain't bad in my books.

It's not weird for him to invite you to join him sometime if he likes finding neat things in the trash, but there's a limit. If he expects you to go into some putrid dumpster alongside him then wtf, that's not cool at all. But if he means just cruise around the block for a night of fun/something to do and maybe find something cool then don't be worried, try taking him up on it depending on what he has in mind.

And his criminal record is not for wife beating. It's actually (and this is fucking embarrassing) grafitting and (I can't believe I am about to type this in a pubic forum) drug dealing. But that's when he was like 10 years ago - he's 32 now.

Grafitti and drug dealing :lol: That's absolutely nothing. Don't worry then, most my close friends have much, much worse charges.

what is worse then a failed thread?

Your face.

Answered better than I could have!

(But I would have said, "What's worse it caring about a failed thread, which indicates you have a failed life")

Me too :lol:

Söy;6322848 said:

:lol: Nigga stole my bikes!
why is sponge cake only good if jim carrey is with you?
Wtf? I don't understand the question, but if you're saying you've met Jim Carrey and eaten cake with him... I just might become depressed enough to kill myself :lol:
Why am I back here again?
I ask myself that question everyday. :lol:

Answer for you is you're probably bored, and wanted to see what old friends might be up to. BTW, how've you been?

Dear Joe,
Me and Lauren have just decided that we're getting married. Where should we go on our honeymoon?

To hell.

For breaking my heart :( :lol:
the question is simple, why does sponge cake taste better when your eating it with jim carrey? no i havn't met him but my dad has :D
It's a stupid question then. I'm pretty sure it's some code you're using anyways. By 'sponge cake' I bet you really mean semen and by 'Jim Carrey' you mean a random homeless guy.

and we can visit a turkish prison while you're here!
midnight express ftw.
i LOL'd, it's just a random question that popped in my mind. man your no Gonzo, you cant even answer your followers questions

Well, forgive me for working 10 hr midnight shifts for the past 4 days and I have to work again tonight too. My mind is kinda fucked. And besides it's a dumb question but.

My guess would be that Jim Carrey is awesome, and the fact you're hanging out with him is awesome, therefore everything would seem better, it'd be like a mental stimulus.