Heartless why did you stop drinking and doing drugs?
Well, it's a long story. Not worth typing really, and besides people will just think I'm an internet toughguy making shit up but
not that I care. A long time ago I USED to have a life, and I didn't even know wtf a forum was. That was until I got sick.
Basically I was a really wild guy, I did a lot of bad shit. When you don't have a job but you have a big drug problem you need a source of income, and you'll do anything to get money for that drug. My drug was pot, lol, but I did a lot of it. And btw, if you smoke a lot of pot, you're not a laid back hippie type, you're more prone to rage, you have dulled senses for pain so you can smash your hands into anything (ie: a wall, a set of teeth) and not feel it as much as your would sober. You're just nuts, and when you can't get that feeling the high gives you, you go on a rampage to get it. Now I never really did anything "criminal" first-hand, I was more like, a Robin Hood? type guy. Or like someone in the mafia.
I used to take shit from the kids who boosted car stereos, the fags who B&E'D houses and stole jewelry and shit. I'd rip off pot dealers... anyone really who I could make money off of. I got a cut from everyone I could, and because I looked and asked like I'd cut your fucking throat just for giving me a wrong glance, no one really said anything. There were time when I fucked up and I had to have a sit down with guys and work shit out but normally I got a pass. Through violence and intimidation I prolly would have been making good money if I wasn't smoking it all away
Anyways that kind of shit just progressed for 4 years until one day I got really sick and was rushed to the hospital and that was a wake up call for me. I stopped smoking pot, then I quit cigarettes a month later. Drinking was easy because I never really was too big in to drinking. Then I discovered the internet and 11000 posts later I'm here. I've changed a lot in a lot of ways but deep down I still have that side to me. I'm a good balance of everything I think, and that helps you out a lot in life.
Do you ever talk to yourself aloud like some people do?
I'm not fucking crazy.
No, just really bored.