The "Ask Undefined" Thread

Heartless why did you stop drinking and doing drugs?

Well, it's a long story. Not worth typing really, and besides people will just think I'm an internet toughguy making shit up but :lol: not that I care. A long time ago I USED to have a life, and I didn't even know wtf a forum was. That was until I got sick.

Basically I was a really wild guy, I did a lot of bad shit. When you don't have a job but you have a big drug problem you need a source of income, and you'll do anything to get money for that drug. My drug was pot, lol, but I did a lot of it. And btw, if you smoke a lot of pot, you're not a laid back hippie type, you're more prone to rage, you have dulled senses for pain so you can smash your hands into anything (ie: a wall, a set of teeth) and not feel it as much as your would sober. You're just nuts, and when you can't get that feeling the high gives you, you go on a rampage to get it. Now I never really did anything "criminal" first-hand, I was more like, a Robin Hood? type guy. Or like someone in the mafia.

I used to take shit from the kids who boosted car stereos, the fags who B&E'D houses and stole jewelry and shit. I'd rip off pot dealers... anyone really who I could make money off of. I got a cut from everyone I could, and because I looked and asked like I'd cut your fucking throat just for giving me a wrong glance, no one really said anything. There were time when I fucked up and I had to have a sit down with guys and work shit out but normally I got a pass. Through violence and intimidation I prolly would have been making good money if I wasn't smoking it all away :lol:

Anyways that kind of shit just progressed for 4 years until one day I got really sick and was rushed to the hospital and that was a wake up call for me. I stopped smoking pot, then I quit cigarettes a month later. Drinking was easy because I never really was too big in to drinking. Then I discovered the internet and 11000 posts later I'm here. I've changed a lot in a lot of ways but deep down I still have that side to me. I'm a good balance of everything I think, and that helps you out a lot in life.

Do you ever talk to yourself aloud like some people do?

No, :lol: I'm not fucking crazy.

attention whore

No, just really bored.
yeah...I was about to say..that side of you can't be gone for good. It's still in you. and personally, I think you should get back into the mafia type of shit :p You could do a lot better in that type of business now that you're not driven around pot.

We can team up and be contract killers!
:lol: You know because of movies and stuff it seems cool to be tough, beating people and shit like the Sopranos but... seriously when you do that stuff, and seriously hurt people... you regret it, when you think back on it. It's not a good feeling at all :p

i imagined you making facepalm irl :lol:

:lol: Almost.
It's not about movies and being a tough guy. It's about the life-style. When it's organized crime and it's done well, you can actually live a very comfortable life. But you just have to be doing it with the right people.
It's not about movies and being a tough guy. It's about the life-style. When it's organized crime and it's done well, you can actually live a very comfortable life. But you just have to be doing it with the right people.

My dad is a biker. Has been for 30 years. He's survived a carbomb, been shot 2 times, not to mention countless fights. He's been through 2 'wars' with the Hell's Angels, major shit. He's lost a lot of friends. Organized Crime is by NO MEANS a comfortable life ok. The Sopranos and that stuff is such bullshit you have no idea, lol. No matter what you do (unless you're a million dollar drug king), going to school and getting an honest job will reward you better and remove a lot of undue hardship from your life.

Trust me I've grown up in this life, I know what it's about, the ups and downs. And believe me, turning to crime should be the last resort of a desperate man, especially nowadays... there's so much stuff you almost always get caught. Back then it was different, and you could trust a guy to do his time like a man. Now everyone is a fucking rat, you can't trust anyone. Plus DNA, you have to be careful. There are still ways to do things, but it's a lot more nasty. I don't think you'd like that life, honestly.

I'm nothing compared to my dad, but I have done my fair share of bad shit, some things I regret. I mean, stealing things isn't so bad, unless it's from someone you care about.. then it haunts you but the worst thing is injuring people badly, over nothing. That really fucks with you when you look back on it.

Money for blood is never right.