Ze Boy
Devil's Child
Heartless do you still exist or have you as you have suggested many times before left COBOT for good?
I'm ashamed to type this, but my teacher called me out before on doing work last minute and *cough* unhonestly *cough* at times. This time she contacted my father and said my grades are slipping and maybe I should consider a different class. Boy was he fuckin' furious! Needless to say, there will be a change.
So true! Fuck, I need to take things more seriously. Not everyone can drop out of highschool and become a professional musician![]()
Believe it or not, in real life I'm nice person, perhaps too nice for my own good. Most my aggression and frustration is usually taken out over the computer (If you read this Gonzo, I don't hate you). I've realized lately that people have been stepping all over me and taking advantage of my sincerity. I question all the friends I have and sometimes feel that it is not worth being nice to other people or pleasing everyone. Maybe this is a confidence issue but I've realized that people take me for granted some times. No, I don't mean become a cynical bastard, but stop hiding me feelings and beliefs and grow a backbone.
I know what you mean, I'm a really nice dude too and sometimes I'm really naive and confident. I have a lot of trust in people, because I am myself honest and trustful, but there's some asshole that tends to profit of that. Anyway, I've got really good friends (and fuck that shit about girlfriends that I see coming) and for myself, I prefer to be this way than to have trust in none and live alone in fear of everybody.
I guess I don't have genuine friends or associate with the right crowd. I rather not place my trust in any one and care for myself primarily (doesn't that sound egotistical!). Its not worth going on being nice to someone who just doesn't give a shit about you at the end of the day. I guess my experiences/relationships with females have not helped either (girlfriends, my mother, etc). But when you make a connection with someone, it is special. Too bad everyone isn't considerate![]()
i used to think and believe exactly the same as you. my social life was a stock market i didn't want to invest in; every time i invested myself in somebody else, i never got a return, so i figured everything would be way easier if i just said "fuck you all" and practiced all day etc. However, i've come to understand, for all those times you get shot down, the few times when you get a huge motherfucking return on that investment makes all those bad times worth it. the rare times that relationships do work out, even if they seem transient in retrospect, really do make you glad you went for it, and make you forget about all the times people pissed and shit on you. i think it's important to have a strong balance of both; can't rule out the assholes, but can't rule out the true friends either.
This ICT lesson seems never ending...
Should I eat my own leg to keep myself alive?
Dear Joe, are you gonna miss the goat now that he's dead?![]()
Heartless do you still exist or have you as you have suggested many times before left COBOT for good?
are you a bot?
Dear Joe, would you live in saskatchewan for $5000?
I fucking wouldn't.![]()
No. :Smug: Stop trolling, I used to like you.
It's fine. I don't care about it really. I mean I don't mind a little fucking around here and there but it was getting out of hand. I'm over it.
Does this seem about right, The Archiac Course > Empiricism and Quintessence (pending further review, ha!) > Epic and Origin (haven't given these two much listening) > first two cds (not my cup of tea)
Shit,I'd live in saskatchewan for idk how much....at least I have somewhere to stay![]()
I'd rather live way up north in the tundra with polar bears instead of that dump.![]()
With lumberjacks and native american? Come to Quebec![]()