The "Ask Undefined" Thread

Ok sorry about lack of responses... I've been really fucking busy lately, but keep questions coming cause I'll get back to them eventually. I'm off work the next little while, but I have an epic quest to 2 Sanctity/Symph X shows over the next few days so I may not be around.

to try to insult you from the start? (i don't know if i am as good as you, but i was better than bloody scalpal. either that or i wore on his nerves)

Yes, insult me, and I'll see what I can come up with in defense :loco: it should be fun/entertaining. And won't/shouldn't be taken to heart to participate at your own risk :lol:

P.S. Leandro (Scalpel) is a nerd :loco: He cannot insult people because it's in his nature to be picked on, he has no skills to bully others.

He is smart though (or is good at pretending to be, either one).

Man, Robocop is a shit, is nothing good in it, your movie tastes are worse than codi's ones.

Fuck you :lol: The original Robocop was fucking amazing. (The sequels were shit, kinda funny though. I actually bought Robocop 2 yesterday.) It has a scene where a would-be rapist gets his nuts blown off through a girl's legs while holding her hostage. How awesome is that?

Also, it has Kurtwood Smith (Red from That 70's show). He plays Clarence, who is one of my ALL TIME FAV movie villains. Superb acting. He is truly an amazing actor when it comes to villains, up there with Gary Oldman and Gene Hackman. (I'd rank the character Clarence almost near "Drexyl the pimp" (True Romance) and Stansfield the crooked DEA agent (The Professional) [both played by Gary Oldamn :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:]

Robocop kicks ass man, I know my movies.

In all seriousness and honesty where do you believe we came from.

I believe in Evolution, and everything science has told us (that has been proven, or is close enough to being proven and makes sense.) Although I think there is a God, who somehow played into it. I also believe people who reject the theory of evolution and teach kids science is wrong and that man and dinosaurs lived at the same time and that the world is only 6000 years old (because the bible says so) then they need to get beaten, severely.

So to recap... I believe in God, and that we were one celled-organisms, we became a shitload of other things over millions and millions of years, creating tonnes of species, some which survived, some which didn't and then by sheer luck we became a creature close to what we are now that stood out as 'the best able to adapt', then we evolved more and presto, here we are. :lol:

Heartless, did you perhaps learn your awesome failing skills at Justin Guarini's house?

Yep. Actually I got lessons from him right after he finished teaching you how to be such a huge faggot.

If he could only see his retarded homosexual protege now, he'd be so proud!

Are you going to see SA in Toronto?

Yes. i can't wait. :kickass:

Joe: U kno u r mi tr00 luv, Lauren just seduced me.

Dear Joe,
What shampoo do you use to make your hair so touchable :lol:?
musstta.. kill... ballchinia--... I mean Lauren!

And :lol:

i think heartless died... he's not logged in for a while now.

Nope, wish I had died though. I've just been busy as fuck working. I get rest today, then I'm off to Montreal on Monday. Next few days off = epic quest across Ontario/Quebec.:headbang:

nah, just working midnight shifts from 10-6 in the morning every night. then he stays up til about 2, sleeps, and does it again. That's all.

Yes, basically. I've worked all week though, cuz the girl who also works nights is in the hospital so I haveto cover her shifts... but it's been ok. I mean, it can't be any worse than those two nights I stayed up talking to you till like 4am and I had to be at work at 7am and got only 2 hours sleep each day. :erk: That was brutal.

Dear Jo,


Yeah Joe... where did our love go? We never talk any more!! :cry:

Been busy, besides you never talk to me anyways!

LOL WOW what the fuck is up with my browser i didnt even post that here. i posted in the you laugh you lose thread.
:lol: Yeah I saw!
why r u in montreal? whats happening in montreal?
Sanctity and Symphony X concert tomorrow at Le Medley. I'm buddies with the Sanctity guys so I'm gonna go and hang out then see the show! Can't wait!
In how many months Im gonna get a nice body ?

Um, depends dude. Not sure what type of body you consider nice. But if you mean like, a leaner/thinner self then you'll be surprised. If you actually just eat right, and excercise moderately everyday, you'll see changes within 6-8 weeks. Just get into the groove of working out and eating right. Once you do that, develop a routine and stick to it for 3 months, I guarantee you'll be a different person (looks wise).
:D I'm feeling great! What do you think of my new hair look?
I'm glad to hear! And I just saw it, I was gonna say this in the Own Pictures thread but it's really nice. Red :heh: You look different with straight hair too but it's really pretty!
where do you get the inspiration for your poetry? does the fact that you are so ugly help? :)S i feel bad for insulting somebody i don't know. but i'm sure you'll make me feel less bad by your reply :p lol)

:lol: Is this serious or not? I can't tell XD Answer this and I will give my reply :loco: