The "Ask Undefined" Thread

I'm actually watching Dragon Ball GT. Not really good in my opinion it gives me good souvenirs from my childhood.
I never got arsed to watch that, I always thought that it was shit :lol:.
It is shit, I think I saw 5 episodes ever, fucking hated it.

Yeah me too, but I got curious.


Asking the same to Gon:

After all these years, should I change my Username?

If yes:

What should I change it for?

lol, I am thinking of a username change myself, couldn't tell you what to change it to but if you feel like it, then DO IT FAGGOT!
Is it possible to "fall short" of something by having too much?

I noticed a girls name was Vaginia and I stated to a friend of mine that her name was one letter short of the spelling of Vagina.

Is this possible? Even though there is more letters than needed it still does not match the exact word Vagina.
Is it possible to "fall short" of something by having too much?

I noticed a girls name was Vaginia and I stated to a friend of mine that her name was one letter short of the spelling of Vagina.

Is this possible? Even though there is more letters than needed it still does not match the exact word Vagina.


I refuse to answer anything you ask due to your behaviour in other threads.

Yo what did ya do when ya Xbox 360 broke down?

I called Micro$oft because I still had a warranty. Then it broke again, and again... the third time I lied and told them a representative TOLD me it was covered so, they fixed it and I saved myself like 130 bucks.

remedy for occasional insomina?

Just stay awake until you fall asleep. Or, just lay down with your eyes closed until you achieve the same result.

What is j00 real name?:p
