The Awesome Dream Thread

I was on a beach, at some exotic country, (note* there was also a beachbar smack on the seaside) and for some reason I felt lost and comfused. Then I proceeded into looking for a pair of blue magic shoes that would enable me to fly, and some clothes because I was partly naked, wich was funny cause no one there seemed to had noticed.
So after I found those shoes wich were hideous, seriously they looked like sandals but had high tops like converse all stars, I put them on and started jumping very high/bouncing about avoiding the tigers wich were killing the people from the beachbar.

Last thing I remember is that when I woke up apart of beeing soaked in sweat, I hit my nose on the wall next to my bed, wich made it bleed.
Nice way to start your morning..:Smug:
Had a dream this morning that I was at the mall shopping with my friend Lane, and when we went back out to the parking lot, I saw my mom's coworker sitting in her car and she beckoned me over. She told me that my mom told her to tell me that my doctor said my iron is too low and that if I don't get it back up that they would have to amputate my right leg. To which I said I was too lazy to take my iron pills (which I pretty much am). Then I got really angry because my doctor would discuss my condition with anyone other than myself, I'm not even on my parents' insurance anymore! I was about to call the doctor and bitch at him, but then I woke up and felt chunks oozing :D

And I feel like dying :ill:
Looking at pictures of Pyramid Head on deviantArt and it reminded me of my dream last night were all the military freshmen (me) had to go down in the tunnels and clear out the creepy zombie thingies a la Silent Hill while on a train. I had run into Hannah Montana's dad who was stupidly handsome and every time a group of the zombie nurses started twitching towards us he'd sing All the Single Ladies by Beyonce.
I had a dream the other night that Nergal was trying to steal my blood for some reason...

He was attacking me with this thin, scalpel-like tool in this dark shack thing (I think it was on a pier in a Bayou or something). I had the distinct feeling that he was going to bleed me out, heh.

At one point he had a hold on me and I attempted tearing away from him/shoving him and running. He caught my arm, and I remember begging and pleading for him not to hurt me. I then turned around slightly, and I remember seeing a quick flash of silver and then slight pressure against my left eyeball. I think I jerked my head out of the way to avoid having my eye sliced open.

I somehow escaped and jumped off of the deck into the water, and I remember him screaming and howling at me. I have no idea what sparked this dream..

Early last Saturday morning I dreamed that I was trying to kill my cat, Mobius. I don't know why I wanted her dead, but I had a large hammer and whacked her on the side of the head. She was knocked over, but still alive. I proceeded to bash her head about a dozen times, but she just would not die. I looked over at (some unknown faceless person) and was like "Do you see this? She won't fucking die!" while I bashed away. Mobius just laid there and took it and kept looking at me as if nothing was happening.

The real fucked up part was that when I finally woke up, Mobius was laying on the bed and staring at me like she knew what I had been dreaming (which she probably was, cats are tricky that way).

I have two theories about the meaning of this dream. 1. I need to start working out (fuck, I can't even kill a cat with hammer). 2. I subconsciously hate my ridiculously lovable cat.
You all have an unsettling amount of pop culture references in your dream sequences. Megadev's gets my cool vote because my dreams are quite similar, except instead of a cat, its my ridiculously annoying 87 year old grandma. With the ever popular mix of dementia combined with osteoporosis, she's always fun to have around the house. Loves everyone to death too much which is why everyone just sits there and suffers quietly and keeps the murderous thoughts in their heads. And yes, you don't have to tell me that I'm an asshole, but tits-fucking-dammit who wants to live that long anyway?!
I had a dream the other night that Nergal was trying to steal my blood for some reason...

He was attacking me with this thin, scalpel-like tool in this dark shack thing (I think it was on a pier in a Bayou or something). I had the distinct feeling that he was going to bleed me out, heh.

At one point he had a hold on me and I attempted tearing away from him/shoving him and running. He caught my arm, and I remember begging and pleading for him not to hurt me. I then turned around slightly, and I remember seeing a quick flash of silver and then slight pressure against my left eyeball. I think I jerked my head out of the way to avoid having my eye sliced open.

I somehow escaped and jumped off of the deck into the water, and I remember him screaming and howling at me. I have no idea what sparked this dream..


Nergal is the awesome. Your dream was a blessing.

Early last Saturday morning I dreamed that I was trying to kill my cat, Mobius. I don't know why I wanted her dead, but I had a large hammer and whacked her on the side of the head. She was knocked over, but still alive. I proceeded to bash her head about a dozen times, but she just would not die. I looked over at (some unknown faceless person) and was like "Do you see this? She won't fucking die!" while I bashed away. Mobius just laid there and took it and kept looking at me as if nothing was happening.

The real fucked up part was that when I finally woke up, Mobius was laying on the bed and staring at me like she knew what I had been dreaming (which she probably was, cats are tricky that way).

I have two theories about the meaning of this dream. 1. I need to start working out (fuck, I can't even kill a cat with hammer). 2. I subconsciously hate my ridiculously lovable cat.

That is fucked up.

You all have an unsettling amount of pop culture references in your dream sequences. Megadev's gets my cool vote because my dreams are quite similar, except instead of a cat, its my ridiculously annoying 87 year old grandma. With the ever popular mix of dementia combined with osteoporosis, she's always fun to have around the house. Loves everyone to death too much which is why everyone just sits there and suffers quietly and keeps the murderous thoughts in their heads. And yes, you don't have to tell me that I'm an asshole, but tits-fucking-dammit who wants to live that long anyway?!

Get her to smoke weed with you. Wait, forget that.

Reading other peoples dreams is interesting. Seeing as I can't ever remember mine...
You all have an unsettling amount of pop culture references in your dream sequences. Megadev's gets my cool vote because my dreams are quite similar, except instead of a cat, its my ridiculously annoying 87 year old grandma. With the ever popular mix of dementia combined with osteoporosis, she's always fun to have around the house. Loves everyone to death too much which is why everyone just sits there and suffers quietly and keeps the murderous thoughts in their heads. And yes, you don't have to tell me that I'm an asshole, but tits-fucking-dammit who wants to live that long anyway?!

Granted that the dream was odd, I don't see a problem with dreaming about music-related subjects.

Nergal is a badass, btw. I'm surprised he didn't wear funky masks and spew blood at me in my dream, hehe.
Last night, I dreamed that Will showed up in a Navy vessel and stole my rifles. So I built a huge jet-powered tank, and got some random lady and a co-worker I have with one eye that the tards call pirate. His actual name is Mike, but in the dream he called himself Pirate-Man. I do not know why. Anyway, we tore ass up the street demolishing all the businesses and houses we could, and wound up in a siege against an elementary school, letting it on fire and shelling it to the ground, no survivors. I raised a Somalian flag in the smoldering wreckage, and barbecued a hot dog in the flaming remains of a bus. Then one of Will's commanders shows up and says he never took the guns, he merely hid them in the upstairs toilet. I woke up at this point.

I think I actually LIKE this dream, even though the body count of the children alone was probably in the hundreds.

Edit: I also don't have an upstairs toilet.
I dreamed that I woke up (here in Derick's parents' house) needing to poop. Instead of going upstairs to the bathroom and risk being ambushed by his mother on my way to the toilet, I decided it would be a better & safer idea to poop in my room. So I laid an old shirt down on the floor, squatted, and pooped. However, I didn't expect to poop SO MUCH. Eventually the entire shirt was covered and I was starting to poop on the floor. Lots of poop.

But you have to understand, Derick's mom will just appear out of nowhere and when she speaks to you it's like being hit with a cattle prod. Gah you can't do anything in this house without first having to make 10 minutes of small talk first!
Had an awesome dream last night:
For some reason i had to take down an asian drug lord. It involved an epic fight in a chinese restaurant. It was like a cross between an 80s action flick and the Punisher.
I had a dream that I was with my mom in some upstairs building and there was a hole in the floor. 2-3 ft wide or so. It was the only way to get down.
but there were big spiders in the hole so I wouldnt go down.
So my mom swats at one having it splatter in her hand. She then goes to wipe it on me. And I woke up yelling like a little girl. was funny.
I once had a dream where they turned my grandmother in to bologna when she died (she's still alive), and I ate some because it was laid out in the coffin (I hate bologna). Then I rode a roller coaster out of the funeral parlor.

Weirdest dream ever.
I only remember one thing about my dream last night. Not where I was, or what I was doing or anything like that, but that one of my two front top teeth was loose and in serious pain. It wasn't loose enough to come out, but with a slight bit of effort I could move it around and it really hurt the entire time. I remember thinking "great, what the hell am I going to do when my FRONT TOOTH falls out?!" I couldn't stop playing with it, baffled by how it got so loose and concerned that it would never get better or stop hurting.

I eventually woke up, hesitant to actually put any pressure on my front teeth to make sure it was just a dream. Finally I did and all is well in toothland.