the band Summoning

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LuminousAether said:
Summoning are clearly a black metal band. Not one of my favorites though, as they are beyond cheesy. Absurd, really. Any band that would sing a song in Orcish deserves nothing but scorn. That's as bad as a band of trekkies singing in Klingon.

If you want epic and beautifully magestic black metal, I would recommend Drudkh.

First off, no. They deserve praise.

Second off,
LuminousAether said:

:lol: Yeah fucking RIGHT. Summoning is one of the worst bands in black metal. Someone needs to break their keyboards, because they don't know how to play them.

Someone needs to take away your ears, because you clearly don't know how to use them.
ThePhilosopher said:
Summoning's songs are sometimes 2 riffs repeated for over 10 minutes so that argument is fucking pointless.
Sometimes using a little about of riffs makes the songs more epic and creates an atmopshere.
I liked Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame, but to be honest, I can't get into Oath Bound. They strayed even further away from metal, and the guitars are completely buried when they are present, serving as a background for the keyboard driven music. And the music itself sounds somewhat monotonous to me. I don't know what die hard Summoning fans think of this CD, and would be curious to know. Regardless, I will not pretend to like this CD just to sound elitist or impress the crowd.
I didn't know the anus crowd even liked Summoning, but I think they used the keyboards in a tasteful way with Oath Bound, and it seems like they tried to stay epic with less of a evil atmosphere with more of a viking atmopshere and succeeded.
Summoning is cheesy as fuck. The only album I can tolerate is Lugburz. The rest is horribly kitsch.
Life Sucks said:
I liked Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame, but to be honest, I can't get into Oath Bound. They strayed even further away from metal, and the guitars are completely buried when they are present, serving as a background for the keyboard driven music.
You have this the wrong way around. Oath Bound is far more centered on the guitar riffs than LMHSYF
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