The Band Survivor

Originally posted by FatherVic
@blackspirit: then vote Katatonia off, not DT sniff :cry: :p

Yes, but... I'd rather see DT go than Amorphis when it
comes to those two bands, for the reason I wrote in
my last post on this thread... It's just random. I'll vote
Katatonia off as soon as the band gets other's votes
as well....

I just don't see the point voting for Katatonia when I
can make an other band leave with my vote >:eek:P hehe...
@Hearse: Do you even listen to Vintersorg?

I really like Katatonia, I even liked Tonight's Decision, quite a bit actually. I don't care if you guys don't like it.

I hope this band lasts until the end, well until the round if it comes to Anathema, Amorphis, and Vintersorg; then I'll have to vote them. Yes, I love this CD, Am Universum, but it has a lot of meaning to it!
I agree with DWD here! Katatonia are frekkin great (´specially the three lastest albums...)! So don´t vote ´em off! I will kick all off yer buts! I know where ye live! You live in Norway Blackspirit, Oslo even! and YOU wanker lives in FINLAND! so I CAN take ye down...:mad:


-phyros (no I am not _really_ :mad: I´don´t care anymore since ppl seems to take this too serious...)
Originally posted by Phyros
I will kick all off yer buts! I know where ye live! You live in Norway Blackspirit, Oslo even! and YOU wanker lives in FINLAND! so I CAN take ye down...:mad:

Haha! *OoooOOOoooooooooOooooooh*
I'm _SO_ scared! >:eek:P Hehehe..... >:eek:)))
Come get me Phyros, if I don't come get you first!!

Oh, and that's not a threat, it's a promise!
Originally posted by Lutz
Come on Katatonia can't be the worst out of those???
Don't vote them off please ;)

*Pf*!!! Shut up! You voted off Finntroll,
you deserve to be hunted down with
Phyros as well! I will come get you all!
*Evil laughter* >:eek:P

Actually, I love you all, no really, I do! >:eek:)
noooo! I never voted Finntroll off!! so plz don´t hate me...:cry:

And Hearse... Which Opeth gig will you attend to?´Coz I´ll be in Bengtsfors at the decibel festival! so then I could actualy meet someone! since I didn´t get to Inferno where all the others had fun...:cry:

-phyros (vote with yer heart, I do.)
Originally posted by Phyros
noooo! I never voted Finntroll off!! so plz don´t hate me...:cry:

And Hearse... Which Opeth gig will you attend to?´Coz I´ll be in Bengtsfors at the decibel festival! so then I could actualy meet someone! since I didn´t get to Inferno where all the others had fun...:cry:

-phyros (vote with yer heart, I do.)

Hehe, no, but you said you'd hunt me down for
voting Katatonia! >:eek:P Stop crying, little uhm....
crybaby! Hehe... You KNOW I love you :eek:)

Yeah, that's right, you're going to the 2000
Decibel as well.... I think I might be going too!
I need an Opeth and Evergrey live fix! :eek:)
Originally posted by Hearse
I just listened that album, and.. ehmmm, that singing annoyes me, he sings same as in Borknagars live song where he goes "The god is great... but I'm the greatest" YAWN! in such a terrible voice... :lol:

uhh sorry about this, the music is good, can you recommend me some other album? Does he always sing like that?

Sweet merciful crap, what do you want in clean vocals? I agree, the way he sings that line isn't too good, but that's the only time I've ever heard that (Unless he sings differently on that live version you're talking about than the album).

I consider myself VERY picky when it comes to vocals, especially clean vox (having sung in various choirs for almost 12 years). And the V-man has a great sound and the harmonies are just laid on thick.

As for recommendations, I don't really know what you mean by his singing sounding like that part of "Gods of My World" that you're talking about. But, yeah, his clean vox are consistent through the albums, and each album is at least 50% clean. I'd give Til Fjälls a try
@blackspirit... :cry: :D :p

You are? Ohhh, yeah, you´re the one saying you were! Darn! Me memory sucks!! Anyways, I hope I´ll se ya there...

And you to Hearse!
